Chapter 11

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Lisa's POV

My throat just burned when I chug on the white liquid beer that according to Seulgi they called Soju. This party was arranged by Seulgi's relatives and friends for her comeback and for my unexpected visit here.

"Lisa!" I turn to look at Seulgi's cousin.

"Wendy!" I smiled at her and she gave me a hug.

"Where's Seulgi?"she asked as she sat beside me.

"Lobby, she told me she's fetching more of her visitors."

She hummed in response. Wendy and I talked about the models that I met in Paris, clearly this woman was a lesbian just like her cousin Seulgi. It wasn't the first time that I met Wendy, we met several times in Paris when she want there and on Canada on her home town. Just like Seulgi ofcourse Wendy is also a Korean but she grow up in Canada. We do get along well with each other because she has the same bubbly and dork attitude just like my friend Seulgi.

"That's really funny!" My stomach hurts from the stories that Wendy's been telling me about Seulgi's childhood.

"I know right! She even told her that she went to the bathroom to eat chocolates!" We were both laughing hard right now that we weren't aware that were getting attention from the waiters.

"But please don't tell her that I told you that she spread her own poop in her face." Wendy laughed and I do too but not when I saw that Seulgi was already at Wendy's back glaring at her.

"Son Seungwan!" Seulgi yelled that startled Wendy and the two other company of Seulgi, which was, well, Irene and Jennie.

"I-I, I didn't say anything!" Wendy hid behind my back and Seulgi was trying to reach for her. I swatted Seulgi's arm while laughing and she flick both Wendy and I's forehead.

"What the fuck was that for?!" I gritted my teeth at Seulgi and I heard a chuckle beside her, I turn to see it was Jennie. But when our eyes met, she zips her mouth and look away.

"You!" Seulgi points at Wendy "You beed to shut that filthy mouth of yours to embarass me."

With Wendy still hiding at my back she raise her arm as if she was surrendering " Okay, I'm sorry couz"

"Don't call me that, I hate you." Seulgi said to her annoyed, I shook my head and laugh at them.

"Woaw, I didn't know Irene Bae and Jennie Kim would be here." Wendy said amused, she took a step forward to the both of them

"Miss Jennie, It was nice meeting you. Im a fan of yours."The dorky wendy has tottaly turned into a serious one as she bowed to Jennie and offer a hand shake. Jennie shook her hand and smiled at her

"Thank you Wendy, I love your voice too." As far as I remember Wendy is a famous singee here in Korea.

"Goddess Irene, tell me if im dreaming but you're so unreal. Pleasure to meet you." I almost choke when Wendy turn to Irene, Irene burst out laughing and Jennie too as she took Wendy's hand for a handshake.

"You're so funny. Nice to meet you too." We get all quiet when Wendy brought Irene's hand to her lips and give it a peck. Im starting to admire the confidence and the nerves of this girl.

I glance to see Seulgi shock and face reddened.

"Would you stop flirting with them Seungwan?" Seulgi said irritated. Wendy let go of Irene's hand as the latter blushed because of Wendy's action while Jennie's also examining Seulgi probably knowing what's going on too.

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