Experience Of A Lifetime

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Saturday, May 23
So today, Maddie is taking me somewhere, I have no idea where and she won't tell me.
"That's because I'm trying to create suspense but you'll soon see"
We've been hiking for what feels like years so I think I should know where we're going.
"Don't worry, Zara. We're here. Look behind you.
... Woah... This place is breathtaking like that's an actual waterfall.
"Yep isn't this place amazing- ahaahahhaha!"
MADDIE! Oh my- Maddie!
What? I thought u fell in and drowned.
"C'mon you know I've been swimming since I was born. Let me get back up there and I'll tell you what you're going to do."
What am I'm going to do?
"You're going to jump off this cliff."
Yeah, I'm going to jump off this cliff- wait I'm going to do what now?
"It's clear that you've lost a lot of self-confidence while I've been gone so it's my job to get it back"
Jumping off a cliff? That's a little out of my comfort zone.
"Exactly! While I was in France, I started reading this book called Doctor Life, it's about a lady named Hye-Ji, she's so confident, so fierce, so sure of herself. She knows what she wants in life. Bring out your inner Hye-Ji. "
I don't know..
"Zara, you have a fight coming up but right now You don't look like a fighter because you're don't feel like a fighter. Take this chance"
Okay, I'm gonna do it.

1..... 1....
Okay okay. I can do this. I can do this 1.. 2.. 3..
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (SPLASH)

That was... AMAZING! I wanna go again.
"I told you"
3 hours later
I'm glad we stayed for the sunset.
"Me too. So, do u think you've regained your confidence?"
Absolutely. You know I have to thank you. I finally feel ready for this fight. By the way, can I borrow that book you were talking about?
"Sure. I have read it 100 times."
"Yeah, it's a really good book... and like I said France was a drag coz of this kids"
Are you sure you don't miss Enzo?
"Never. Never."
"You wanna know something else about Hye-Ji?"
"She has love interest called Baekhyun and I was thinking if you're channeling your inner Hye-Ji then
You should have your own Baekhyun. You know who'd be perfect"-
We're going home now come on.
"Hey, you didn't let me finish. His name rhymes with quack and his name is Za"-
Lalalalalalallala I'm NOT LISTENING!

Take On The World
After this, I became my usual self. I couldn't be happier. Surrounding yourself with the people who make you a better person is key. They make you ready to take on the world. Regardless of what comes in your way, they'll be there. They'll always be there.

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