Chapter 13
'The Scout' / by; Mike Hurley
'Stone Fox'Amy turned the plane southwest and dove all the way to Hudson, she leveled off at 3000 feet & flew so fast over the little town, the windows in Maggie's shattered from the sonic shockwave.
Whoopsie!! Amy shouted!!
Ty eyes were as big as walnuts as he hung on and couldn't believe how fearless Amy was.
He watched her extinguish afterburners, & pull the stick back to 300 KPH.Have you flown a fighter jet before Amy?? She turned and saw how serious he was. Amy grinned and said; I've only flown you in bed Ty and you responded like a powerful racehorse, your afterburner is amazing!! Amy watched Ty blush a bit. She set the cruise control & tickled him.
He counted 27, none were happy. Men, women, children, teenagers, & 1-infant, who was screaming mad with a wet diaper.
7 guards with rifles surrounded them as 2 men logged them in. Name, birth city, age, loyalty to the Rebels?? Those who said no were dealt with in various ways. The men faced cruelty & hard labor, little sleep or food.
All women ages 15 to 40, were auctioned off to Rebel men, & were expected to become pregnant within 90 days. Their lot in life, bearing child after child, and being servants and worse. This was the same Rebel Camp that haunted Amy. Ty didn't completely understand the sheer terror this place had instilled in her young mind. The eldress had been kind to her, and whispered, 'for a young woman pretty like you, you have no idea the horrors that await you!! If you can ever escape, run with all your might'!!
He despised how Rebels treated women. His father would have gone ballistic. Shawn was taught to respect his mother and women in general. Women represented all that was good. They were more lovely than a rose, and more beautiful than a field of wildflowers.
With North America's population reduced to a fraction of what it was before the meteors & fires; the race was on to repopulate and re-educate. Many people we're attracted to the simple Rebel life; most women were not. Estimates held the Rebels at 35% of the population. More than a thorn in the side of the United States and Canada. Precious resources needed to rebuild were being diverted to control and erase the Rebel lifestyle. Rescue of women was paramount.
The Bi-Lateral was a temporary agreement & was signed to pool the limited resources of the two nations. Their armies merged and operated where needed.
Like the American Civil War, the Rebels and their constitution were considered illegal. Their top priority was to topple the 2 governments and take over. Establishing a dictatorship. Men like Dr Tyler Borden took an oath to serve and protect the Constitutions of Canada and the United States.Other men served the Bilateral where they could, isolated with limited resources they fought the Rebels from secret & tiny bases. Many ex-military took up arms to serve their countries. One such person fought the Rebels in the wilderness of the Wyoming Rockies. It was his home, he had no training, equipment, arms, or supplies. When Capt Tyler Borden entered the camp recently, his secondary orders were to make contact with 'Lafayette',
Access his needs, arrange an airdrop of supplies and weapons, and deliver a tiny radio to call for Drone support. But it took the Captain hours to find a window of safety to rescue Amy Fleming. He made the decision to immediately leave. He would contact Lafayette another time. But just before he ran into the camp, Captain Borden carved a Maple Leaf and 3 Stripes overlaid with a star onto a large birch tree, facing the camp. The military wanted Lafayette to know he was not alone.He stole what he needed. He fought in memory of the French Resistance, and Lt General Lafayette, the great French friend of the US during the American Revolution.
The Scout
Mystery / ThrillerAfter a meteor shower decimates most of North America. The United States & Canada sign a 50 year treaty; merging their countries to fight the elusive 'Rebels'. The group of anarchists are intent on a new world order. Kidnapping & assimilating ent...