Chapter - 14

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'The Scout' / by; Mike Hurley
Chapter 14
'The little box'

There was an awkward silence & Jack said; Son, you've called to ask me something haven't you??? Ty answered; yes sir, I have. It concerns your granddaughter Amy.


Good night!! Have a nice life Ty!! He watched her adorable naked body walk out of the pool room, he ran, holding everything with his left hand. Every step hurt, his testicle complaining with wave after wave of numbing pain.

Amy wait!! We just made love!! I was in you!!
Doesn't that count for something??
Ty you're a Marine, you can take any woman you want to bed. Hell their probably lined up for miles, half naked & ready to jump your bones.

Amy what's going on?? Did I hurt your feelings somehow?? Stop please and talk to me!! This isn't fair!! She stopped in the family room, spun around and pointed her finger at him!!

Don't tell me what's fair Ty!! Just don't!'

You have no idea how absolutely terrified I am of going back on that trail!! You're a man, you have no idea how a woman feels when a man forces himself on her.

Wait!! I didn't force myself on you. I would never in a billion years force myself on a woman!!! What are you talking about Amy!!

Just calm down Ty!! You're an ass!! But calm down!!

Ok But, please at least tell me what I did!!

She took a deep breath and calmly said; you are one of the most intelligent men I have ever met Ty. But you're still a man and all that testosterone swimming thru your brain clouds your ability to understand a woman's emotions. Believe me, men can be the stupidest creatures in the solar system!!

What are you talking about Amy!? It's obvious I hurt your feelings. I'm sorry Amy!! I am. But what did I do??

It's what you didn't do Ty!!

What is that supposed to mean??

Phantom hid under a table, and looked at Ty. He heard the emotion in Amy's voice. His first instinct was to protect Ty. But he couldn't attack Amy! He was confused and had no idea what to do. The all powerful Marine Canine Sergeant had no idea what to do.....

It's what you didn't do Ty!! My job was to give you sex, please you and make you happy, but now it's time to go. He stared at her and walked closer. He was so upset he couldn't walk straight, then tripped & fell, jamming his other testicle against an oak armrest. He swore and moaned and held himself up!!
Oh God!! This hurts!!

Amy tried her best not to laugh but she ended up bursting out laughing & said, maybe you should start being more careful with those things Ty!!

You're pissing them off, just like you pissed me off. Amy! Please tell me what I didn't do!!
Please!!! Oh my God, they hurt, please come over and hold them!! Your hands are softer than mine!! Seriously Ty!! You're a Marine Scout, act like a man!! Hold them yourself!!

Ok, I'll give you a clue!!

Nous voulons la fille de retour! C'est notre propri été! Mettez de la glace sur vos testicules Ty!!

(We want the girl back, she's our property.
Put some ice on your testicles Ty).

Ty, so you want to know why I'm mad, well you're a damn Marine Scout, so go figure it out yourself!! Soak your balls in ice to draw out the stupidity Ty!!

Amy bit her tongue, she knew he had a very tender heart. She saw his eyes tearing up as he stared at her. Amy knew his tears had nothing to do with his pain. His heart was crying, she wanted to care but her anger toward the Rebels forbade it. She was so scared she wanted to go to the sub basement and hide. She came so close to becoming a man satisfier and a baby machine. The Rebel threats in that letter washed over her like a tidal wave. She had no interest in babies, being a mom, or giving birth. Sleeping with 10 men a week plus her husband was beyond disgusting. But it was the Rebel way and they, they demanded her back!!

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