Where am I - chapter 2

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Xiao Zhan POV

    Whoops! Where am I ? Why am I closing my eyes?
    Wait!! I am not closing my eye. My eyes are already tied with a blind fold. Ahhhhhh...sooo annoying..why my eyes are closed. Wait !!!even my hands are also tied.What the hell is going on. Why I am sitting like this. Ah...what happened before...why I can't remember anything.
    Suddenly I remembered something. Oops I was returning home from my work. Ahhhhhh...I was kidnapped by someone but why.....why they kidnapped me...soo....this is the main reason why my condition is so bad right now... I was thinking about how to escape from here but suddenly my brain supplied since I was kidnapped few minutes ago it means the kidnappers must be here. Alas!!! Why I am so out of luck??!!! It is really soo boring here and here is so silence . I never like such silence....let's break this silence and annoy the people around me . Ahhhhhh it's a good idea....
    "Ahhhh is there anyone here or I am alone here" I said loudly.
    "Silence " I heard a cold deep voice...if I guess right he must be in front of me.
   " Haven't I treated your  kid. I will treat him if he is  ill...please leave me"
   "I have no children "
   "Alright then I will  treat your wife...now please let me free" I said in bunny voice hoping that it will work.
   "I am unmarried"
   "Then I shall treat your girlfriend .  Now pretty please, I wanna go"
   "I am still single"
   "Ok...ok...I will treat your family then now please..."
   "You're so noisy"
   "I will treat you very well"
   "Shameless "
   "Wait....why did you kidnap me...are you following me for a long time..am I your crush.....oh no I am straight not gay....I don't like men ...please leave me....pleaseee "
   "  Boring....I have no crush"
   Suddenly I heard a door opened with a loud thud. If I guess right it must be behind me. I heard another husky voice
   "He is awake!!!How could he wake up so soon! How could he wake up just 30 min after being unconscious. "
   "I too can't understand it. But he is really so annoying "
   "Ahh...just be friendly with him don't be soo rude"
   "He must be standing beside me "I thought.
   "Yes yes....look the man standing beside me is so good...he too wants to be friendly with me....please make me free" I pleaded like a kid.
   "You are under my responsibility. So wheather you will be free or not, it's all my business. "I heard that cold deep voice.
   "Wang Yibo...please be a bit polite towards him"
   "So Jewu Jun ....tell me what should I do with him?
   Ahhhhhh.....so the man in front of me is Wang Yibo and the person standing beside me Zewu Jun. He is so cold. How could a person be such cold? I never met such person before.  But Zewu Jun is not cold person. I hope he must be a little kind hearted person. Then I felt somebody untied their blind fold.

   I saw a tall young man standing in front of me

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   I saw a tall young man standing in front of me. His skin look pale even in darkness. His forehead was exposing with some locks on his forehead. His  hair style made him look sexy. But I still can't imagine how could be such a sexy man be so cold.

 But I still can't imagine how could be such a sexy man be so cold

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Then I looked beside and found another person who tall young man. His jawline was really sexy and was even sharper than a knife.
   Ahh....finally I opened my eyes....I was feeling as if I am opening my eyes after many  years.
   "Why did you guys kidnap me?" I asked. But instead of giving reply Wang Yibo said
   "You talk too much"
   "What the hell is going?"
   "Uhh!!! What a kind of man you are! I asked you the reason and you said that I am speaking a lot and" before I complete my sentence Wang Yibo replied
   "Yes of course. You are so noisy. It is you who break the silence "
   "What's wrong with you.  I never met you before. You need to be bit polite while speaking with strangers. And also I never misbehave with anyone"
   "It's none of your business. And I know how to speak with whom. I don't need you to learn it."
   "Please. Stop quarreling among yourselves. "Zewu Jun said.
   Wang Yibo obeyed his words and left the place.
He untied my hands.
"Follow me Xiao Zhan "
I started following Zewu Jun. After following a while suddenly I was my legs got frozen.


1. Sorry for typing mistakes
2. My English is not fluent...so please compromise

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