Don't worry Xiao Zhan-chapter 9

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3rd person's pov
Wen Chao's residence

It was 6 am. He woke up as sunlight fall on my eyes. He then remembered the last night at club.He really enjoyed the club very much last night. Club is his favorite place. Last night he became so tired that I slept without changing my clothes. Then he put my hand in my pocket. Suddenly he discovered a button. Why it is in his pocket!?? At first he thought it must be button of his shirt. Then he looked closer and he found that it is really familiar but he can say that it is not his. His mind started searching for the answer. Suddenly he remembered that once he saw this button in Meng Yao's house. His blood started to boil when he thought that Meng Yao is doing this. He then yelled in anger," How dare you Meng Yao!!? How dare you to spy on me?!!" Then he thought of breaking partnership with Meng Yao. In reality he thought that Meng Yao had joined his hand with detectives to save himself. Next moment he thought he should break softly so that he could get advantage of Meng Yao in future. Suddenly his phone rang.
"Hello, young master Wen."one of his subordinate said. He then added,"sir, we are at the ling hospital. Your son's. leg is broken."
"What the hell!!?"
Wen Chao immediately went to the hospital.

""What the hell!!?"Wen Chao immediately went to the hospital

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Soon he reached the room where his son is. He saw his son on bed.
"Alex, are you alright?? How did you hurt yourself?"
"Dad, I am okay. Relax. Last night I fought with a guy and he did this to me."
"What!?? Who is that dog who did this?? He should be murdered!!" Wen Chao's face turned red in anger.
"Dad. Relax. It's me who is going to punish him. He dare to take my love away from me."
"Your love!?" Wen Chao said in disbelief.
"I have already told you about the college guy to whom I love. Yesterday i saw him." Alex then turned his head and looked towards his broken leg and added," Let me get cured first. Then I will start the game."

Wang Yibo's POV

It was 5 am when I woke up. I then looked at Xiao Zhan to find if he is awake or not. 'He was sleeping like a kid. He look so innocent and cute. Perhaps he is not a bad guy like his father.' I thought. I don't know why but I feel comfortable to stay with him. Yesterday I don't know why but I suddenly felt an urge to protect him. The way Xiao Zhan say thank you to was really so soft and I want here more soft words from him. Soon I got up and get freshed. I then went to Zewu Jun.
"Zewu Jun, did you get evidence at black panther cassino?"
"No, nothing was special there. How about you?"
"I too got nothing from the club"
"Hmm... Wang Yibo, how is your experience with Xiao Zhan. Is he doing good?" Zewu Jun asked.
"He is not that annoying. He is gentle. Yesterday, at the club, we saw Wen Chao."
"Wen Chao! We have also heard about him and he was our next target after Meng Yao."
"Xiao Zhan wanted to spy on Wen Chao. He must have a dirty experience with Wen Chao. He inserted a button shaped chip in Wen Chao's pocket."
Suddenly Wen Qing appeared from behind.
"Hello Wang Yibo, Goodmorning, where is Xiao Zhan?" Wen Qing said.
"He is sleeping." I replied.
"What!?? Still sleeping! He hasn't changed a little bit since his childhood."
Wen Qing went to the room. Zewu Jun and I followed her. Xiao Zhan was still sleeping peacefully like a kid.
"Wen Qing, don't disturb him. Look he is sleeping so peacefully." I said.
"Wang Yibo, it's already 8 am. You don't know about him. If you don't disturb him, then he can sleep for whole week like this."
"Xiao Zhan!! Still sleeping!! Sleepy haed wake up!!" Wen Qing yelled at Xiao Zhan.
"Wen Qing, can you be a little bit polite towards me?" He said covering his face with pillow.
"Look at Wang Yibo, he woke up so early, you too need to wake up early with him."
"Please 5 min more."
"Wen Qing, allow him to sleep." Zewu Jun and I said together.
"Wen Qing, look Yibo is better than you and understands what I like."
"Okay then. Sleep as much as you want Xiao Zhan. All of us are going out now." Wen Qing said with a smirk.
"No way, wait for me."
Xiao Zhan immediately woke up and went into bathroom. Soon he got freshened.
We all were waiting for in the dining room. Soon he came.
"I am ready. Where are we going now?"
"We didn't think yet" Zewu Jun replied.
"Uh!?? But Wen Qing said that..."
"Only to make you awake." I replied.
"Well why don't we go out today and have breakfast in a nearby restaurant." Wen Qing said.
Soon we reached a restaurant.

We were about to enter suddenly Xiao  Zhan's phone vibrate

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We were about to enter suddenly Xiao Zhan's phone vibrate. He took the phone.
"Wang Yibo, it's the message from chip. "
"Open it" I said.
Soon he opened the file.
"How dare you Meng Yao! How dare you to spy on me" Wen Chao yelled.
Wen Chao's voice was so loud that we all got startled.
It remained silent for sometime. Suddenly Wen Chao's phone rang and we heard again.
"Hello, young master Wen." It must be one of Wen Chao's member. He then added,"sir, we are at the hospital. You son's leg is broken."
"What the hell!!?"
Again the message remained silent. After some time we again heard the conversation between his son and him. With this, message ended.
My blood started boiling after hearing the conversation. Then I looked at Xiao Zhan to find if he is alright. It is clear in his eyes that he didn't expected this.
Suddenly Zewu Jun said,"let's get in and discuss the matter inside the restaurant."
Soon we get into the restaurant and took our seats.
"Xiao Zhan, are you alright?" Wen Qing said.
"Why Wen Chao said uncle Meng Yao is spying on him? And also Alex is Wen Chao's son!! I don't know this! And also Alex will take me along with him!!!!I hate him!! And also he wants to murder Wang Yibo!!!" Xiao Zhan said with disbelief.
"Xiao Zhan, relax, may be Meng Yao is his partner. Perhaps Wen Chao has found the chip that you inserted. And may be Wen Chao has seen it in Meng Yao's residence. Perhaps Wen Chao thought that Meng Yao is spying on him." Zewu Jun said.
"As Wen Chao had already discovered it, this chip will be destroyed by him and we will not get more information about him after he destroyed it." Wen Qing said.
"Xiao Zhan, don't be afraid, Alex can't take you away from us and he can't even punish me." I said.
"How can you say so confidently that Alex will not hurt you and will not able to take me?" Xiao Zhan said with fear in his eyes.
"I will protect you and nothing will happen to me, just trust me." I said holding his arm.


1. Sorry for super duper late update, actually I had an exam,so I can't update.

2. Sorry for typing mistakes.

3. English is not my first language. Please compromise with it.

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