Confession - chapter 19

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3rd person's POV
  It was 9:30 PM. Wen Chao reached the spot told by the unknown person. He was already a little bit afraid and was anxious to know what will happen next as he was asked to come alone and the unknown man has proofs. After reaching the spot, he became more frighten as the spot looks like a haunted and forbidden area.

 After reaching the spot, he became more frighten as the spot looks like a haunted and forbidden area

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Wen Chao came out of his car.
  "Is there anyone?" He yelled from outside.
  There was no response. But he felt that someone is present there. He wanted to go back but he remembered that the unknown man has some proofs. So he decided to go inside. He slowly went inside the house. He opened the door and entered in. It was totally dark inside.

  "Is there anyone here?" He asked with a slight frighten voice

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  "Is there anyone here?" He asked with a slight frighten voice.
Suddenly somebody covered his nose with a handkerchief from behind. Wen Chao tried to free himself from the man's strong grip. But he failed. Soon he fell unconscious due to presence of chloroform in the handkerchief.
The man smirked.
"Zewu Jun, he fell unconscious."
Soon Zewu Jun, Xiao  Zhan,Zizen and Wen Qing appeared from behind.
"Yibo, you are so strong,  I thought you will need our help but you succeed in making Wen Chao unconscious alone." Xiao Zhan said.
"Boring." Yibo said with a blank expressions in his face but he didn't felt  boring. He felt happy when Xiao Zhan said that he was so strong.  He wanted to ask Xiao Zhan if he was enough strong to take care and protect him forever but as everyone was there, so he said that it was boring.
Soon Zewu Jun and Wang Yibo carried Wen Chao to another room in the forbidden house. They laid Wen Chao on bed. Xiao Zhan took out a jar of traditional medicine from his pocket. He immediately injected it into Wen Chao's body.
"Now we need to wait for Wen Chao to gain his conscious. After that we can collect information about Jin Guangyao from him." Xiao Zhan said.
"Xiao Zhan, do you really think the traditional ink will really work?" Jiang Cheng said.
"Yes ofcourse. After gaining his conscious , he will give correct information about whatever we ask." Xiao Zhan replied.
"I never thought Wen Chao should be this obedient. I thought he will bring his bodyguard here. But he did as we said. He didn't bring his bodyguards along with him." Jiang Cheng said.
After sometime, Xiao Zhan went outside the room. Wang Yibo followed Xiao Zhan. Xiao Zhan was looking all around the house.
"Xiao Zhan, aren't you scared of darkness?" Yibo asked.
Xiao Zhan got startled on hearing Yibo's voice.
"Yes, I am always scared of darkness."
"Then why are you roaming around this house alone here and there? This house has haunted and mysterious appearance. Aren't you scared now?" Wang Yibo asked.
Xiao Zhan signs and questions Yibo"Yibo, do you why I always scared of darkness?"
"Because it reminds me of my childhood. It makes me remember how my parents were murdered."
"You are parents were murdered at night?"
"Yes, I along with my family were returning from my friend's house. At night while returning, my parents were murdered. Actually those people wanted to murder me too but my mother protected me for those people fighting for me till her last breath."
"Can you explain it more briefly?" Wang Yibo said.
Xiao Zhan told Wang Yibo the whole incident.
"CEO Meng gave you shelter? Did he take care of you?" Yibo asked after hearing the past.
"He just gave me shelter. He used to remain busy with his work,so he can't take care of me."
"How do you feel when I am with you?" Yibo asked.
"Uh?! Why? Will you take care of me?" Xiao Zhan asks and came close to Yibo. Xiao Zhan came too close that Yibo's heart started beating faster. His eyes fall on Xiao Zhan's lips. But as he didn't know that if Xiao Zhan like him or not so, he moved back.
"I am waiting for your reply."
"Yes, I feel very comfortable. Why?"
"Then I am ready to take care of you for my entire life."
Xiao Zhan's eyes widen on hearing this.
"Are you kidding me?"
"Xiao Zhan, I am not kidding you. I like you."
"Really?! Are you serious? Will you really take care of m..."
Before Xiao Zhan  completed his words, he felt a pair of soft lips on his. Wang Yibo  started tasting Xiao Zhan's lips. He licked and bite Zhan's lower lip.  Xiao Zhan helplessly moarn which made Wang Yibo more exciting. He again licked Xiao Zhan's lower lip. Xiao Zhan parted his lips and Yibo's naughty tongue started to taste every single part of Xiao Zhan's mouth. Suddenly Yibo's phone rang.
"So annoying..." Wang Yibo said as he felt very much annoyed due to disturbance.
"Hello Wang Yibo, come here. Wen Chao is gaining his conscious."
"I will be there soon."
  Wang Yibo then hugged Xiao Zhan tightly.
"From now on, I will take care of you forever."
Xiao Zhan hugged Yibo back. Then they went back to the room.
As soon as they entered they saw Wen Chao sitting on the bed.

As soon as they entered they saw Wen Chao sitting on the bed

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"Where am I?" Wen Chao asked. He put his hand on his head.
"My head is aching."
"Don't be afraid. And you will be alright soon. Here dink some water." Zewu said handing a glass of water. Wen Chao  drank the glass of water.
"Do you know who is Jin Guangyao?" Wen Qing asked.
"Yes, Jin Guangyao is most wanted criminal. He is an organ smuggler. He always tortures poor people to work for him. His real name is Meng Yao. Everyone knows that Meng Yao is a kind hearted person and is CEO of Meng troops."
"What?! It is not true! Meng Yao gave me shelter" Xiao Zhan said with utter shock.
"I am  not lying. Are you Xiao Zhan?"
Xiao Zhan didn't  give reply.
"You must be Xiao Zhan.  Because Meng Yao gave shelter to Xiao Zhan. Xiao Zhan, you were parents were murdered when you were little. But do you really know who's plan is this?"
"Who?" Xiao Zhan said with a kind of anxiety in his voice.
"It's your uncle Meng Yao."
"What?! Impossible! He gave me shelter!!"
"Xiao Zhan, do you know why Meng Yao gave you shelter."
"No..." Xiao Zhan said with a kind of pain in his voice. Wang Yibo hold Xiao Zhan's hand to give relief.
"Your father was also CEO. When you were young, you father signed that after his death you will be the CEO of the company.  That's why Meng Yao gave you shelter instead of killing you. Now he became CEO of the company and gave excuse that you were still young and innocent, so he is taking care of the company. He gave you shelter for his personal interest."  These words were unbearable for Xiao Zhan.
"You don't know how cruel Meng Yao is. He killed his brothers for  property. He killed police officers who were investigating against him. He is involved in drug business. I am his partner in illegal drug business."Wen Chao said messaging his forehead with his fingers.
Soon Wen Chao leaked each and every secret of Meng Yao and his. Xiao Zhan was fumed after learning the truth. Zizen recorded each and every single word of Wen  Chao. Soon Wen Chao laid on bed. Meanwhile Xiao Zhan, Wang Yibo, Jiang Cheng, Wen Qing, Zewu Jun and Zizen came out.
"Now, it's Meng Yao's turn..." Xiao  Zhan said trying to cool himself.
"Meng Yao, you are doomed. You killed my parents..."


1. Sorry for typing mistakes.

2. English is not my first language.  Please compromise with it.

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