Wounded man- chapter 15

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Zen's POV

What the hell is this!
I have to save the wounded man. He has cuts all over his body and he was bleeding.
I have save but how?!! Not only this,but also I can hear footsteps from behind. I immediately changed my clothes into the black ones. I covered my face my mask. I was about to hold the the wounded man, but few men surrounded me from behind.
"Who are you?"
I was about to move without giving a reply.
"Capture him."
Soon they encircled me. Heck! Why I am so out of luck!?
Suddenly I remembered the spray. I took the spray and covered my nose. Then I sprayed. Wow! It really worked. They all lost the consciousness and fell on the ground. I was so lucky that there I found a secret door. On opening the door, I got the way to go out.I immediately carried the wounded man to my car, and drove the car a little bit away from Wen Chao's residence. I put a tape on the man's mouth so that he couldn't scream and tied his hands and legs, so that he couldn't move after gaining consciousness. I then immediately went back to wen Chao's residence. On the way, I bought some chocolate drink. As soon as I reached kitchen, I immediately poured chocolate drink into glasses.  Suddenly I heard a voice.
"What are you doing here?"
I just looked back. Alex!! Wasn't he got drunk!!? Did he acted as if he got drunk??? Did he saw everything I did?I remained silent. He came closer.
"You were asked to out the wine in the kitchen. Why did you take so long?"
"I am sorry, I thought of serving this special chocolate drink." I said keeping my head down.
"Why do you want to serve? You were just asked to bring wine."
"Actually Master Wen Chao said that some guests will arrive, so I thought that they may like chocolate drink, so I..."
Before I complete, he took the glass of drink and immediately tasted it.
"Ummm...delicious...Can you cook food..."
Heck!!! What he wants !!
"I am not good at cooking. Young Master  can I serve  the drink to others?" I said trying to escape from him.
"Everyone had already got drunk, so no need of serving this drink. Keep it in refrigerator."
I obeyed his orders.
"I think my work is completed. Can I go home?"
"Yes, you can."
Thanks God, finally I can go home. But now the most important thing is the wounded man. I came out of Wen Chao's residence. Soon I reached my car and start driving it. I can't understand to where should I take this man. I wanted to call Xiao Zhan but i don't have Xiao Zhan's number as Wang Yibo didn't allowed him to give me his number. Not only his, but also he didn't allowed to give others' number. Suddenly I thought of taking the man to Zizen's residence.  Soon I reached Zizen's residence.

  Soon I reached Zizen's residence

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I knocked the door.
"Who is there?"
"Mr. Yang, it's me Zen."
Soon, Zizen opened his door.
"Is there anyone here?" I asked.
"Don't be so afraid, it's okay everything is fine, come in."
"No, I can't in presence of  someone"
"We have to take care of an wounded man."
"What!? Where is he?!"
"Inside my car."
Zizen immediately went towards my car and carried the wounded man to room.
"Yang, you can't take him inside, you said someone is pre..."
Before I could complete my words, I was shocked. I was shocked to see Xiao Zhan and his friends here right that moment. Perhaps they are also shocked to see the wounded man.
"Where did you find him?" Zewu Jun asked.
"At Wen Chao's residence"
As soon as Zizen took the man to the room, Xiao Zhan started treatment. After 5 hours, the man gained his conscious.  It was around 8 PM then. Even though his eyes were closed,but he was started speaking.
"Let me go! Please let me go...I have heard nothing...i really don't know about what you were discussing please let me go..."
"Calm down, sir...you are safe..." I said.
The man opened his eyes. He started looking around.
"Where am I?"
"No need to get so scared, you are safe now...it is my house." Zizen said.
"I was at Wen Chao's residence, then how came here?"
"I found you unconscious at Chao's residence...So, I brought you here for treatment."
"Who are you?" Zewu Jun asked.
"I am Jiang Cheng."
"CEO of Jiang group?" Zen asked.
"A'Cheng, it's really you??" Xiao Zhan said.
"Yes." He nodded his head.
"Do you remember us?" Xiao Zhan and Wen Qing asked.
"No." Jiang  Cheng stared at Xiao Zhan and Wen Qing for sometime to recognize them .
"It's me A'Xian and she is A'Qing."
*A'Xian is Xiao Zhan's nickname.*
Xiao Zhan and Wen Qing  hugged Cheng and Cheng  hugged them too.
"How are you ?"
"We are fine."
"Who did this to you and why?" Wen Qing asked.
"Wen Chao did this. Actually oneday I thought of visiting A'Xian. So, I visited Meng Yao's house. But Xiao Zhan was not there. CEO Meng said that A'Xian is doctor and he had already gone for work. Then I talked to CEO Meng for sometime. Wen Chao was also there. Soon I left his residence. After some time I saw Wen Chao heading towards a massion which is situated much away from the city. So I too started to follow him. He entered the massion. There I saw him discussing something with another person. I tried to listen but I failed. But later I saw him to write something on paper with dark red ink then he put a symbol on the paper. I was totally shocked as the symbol he used was the same symbol that I saw on the letter given to A'Xian's parents before their death.

Not only this, I saw the symbol on  his nape

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Not only this, I saw the symbol on  his nape. After sometime, the man to whom Wen Chao was speaking left. I was about to left that place but one of the member caught me. And then he took me to his residence and beat me."
" Finally we found a clear evidence to catch Wen Chao."
"Wait!! How can you do that!? What if police catch us??"
"CEO Cheng, don't be so worried,  we are detectives."
"So this is the evidence to catch Wen Chao. Finally we found one of our most wanted criminal." Zewu Jun said.
"Are we going to catch him tomorrow?"Jiang  Cheng asked.
"A'Cheng, you need to rest for while, after that we talk about it..."
Soon we left him in his room.
"So, Wen Chao is the murder of my parents..."Xiao Zhan said.
"Wang Yibo,  are we going to catch Wen Chao tomorrow?" Zizen asked.
"Hm, if Jiang Cheng is well."
"It's already so late, you all can spend your night here." Zizen said.
All of them agreed. I was really excited.
'Wen Chao, your happy  days are going to end soon...'


1. Sorry for typing mistakes.

2. English is not my first language. Please compromise with it.

3. My sister KavyaAgnihotri is writing a new story, 'fate or destiny?'. I hope you all will check her Fanfiction.

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