Sharing same bed- chapter 16

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Xiao Zhan's POV

I never imagined that Jiang Cheng too suffered due to Wen Chao. He said that he saw a Wen Chao was speaking to someone but he can't see. Zizen also said that Wen Chao is Jin Guangyao's partner in crime.It means the man to whom Wen Chao was speaking was none other than Jin Guangyao. Wen Chao used the symbol and also he has the symbol on his nape. Is it means Jin Guangyao will also have the same symbol on his nape? Is it the symbol of  their friendship? With all these thoughts in my mind I jumped on my bed.
"Wang Yibo..."
Wang Yibo didn't give response. What happened to him? I know that he is not talkative but Whenever I call him he used to give me response, but why didn't he?
"Wang Yibo?"
He again remained silent.
"Wang Yibo,  what happened?" I asked worriedly.
"Are you feeling lonely now???"
"No, you are with me. Why should I feel lonely?"
"Then why are talking to me?"
I really don't expect this.
"I have already told you not go close to others,  isn't it?"
Ahh....I understood this time...he was feeling  jealous... but why??? Is it because  I hugged Jiang Cheng or I sat beside Zizen?
"Yes, but today i didn't flirt with others."
Wang Yibo  didn't  say anything, he went to his bed and laid down.
Ahh...this Wang Yibo  is really  something....did he fall for me...Aish!!Why I am thinking like this??? We are just friends. I felt uncomfortable when Wang Yibo laid on bed without talking to me.
I am 100 percent sure that he was feeling jealous.  Suddenly I got an idea. I get off my bed. Then I jumped on his bed and cuddled into him.
"Xiao Zhan!!! What are you doing???"
Yibo was too shocked. I smiled at him innocently.
"I just cuddle into are so warm..."
"This is not your bed..."
"I know, but I wanna sleep on your bed..."
"Get off"
"Why are you not talking to me??"
Yibo remained silent.
"You are making me feel uncomfortable"
"Why do you hug Jiang Cheng? And called him A'Cheng?"
I know this....I know he was feeling  jealous...
"Yibo...I met him after so many years...we got detached after my parents murdered. I also can't imagine that he is CEO now..."
"You enjoyed hugging him right?"
"Didn't you??"
"Are you feeling jealous?"
"No, why should I?"
"Yes, yes, yes..."
"Yes, I am feeling jealous. Stop going close to others..."
"What if I didn't stop?"
"I am giving you last warning..."
"Why???it's not good!?"
"You never hugged me or called me like that."
"Yibooo... Do you fall for me??"
Yibo  gave blank expressions. I can't  stop myself but start laughing at his reaction.
"Ahh... I was just kidding..."
I was about to get off from there,suddenly I felt a pair of strong muscular arm around my waist.
"Yibo, Let me go..."
Yibo pulled me and hugged me tightly from back.
"Yibo, it is not my bed..."
"So what? We can share single bed."
I was shocked. This man with poker face is doing this to me!
"Wang Yi...ammm"
I was shocked at Yibo's sudden action. I felt those soft lips again on mine. It's so comfortable and feeling so good. If he do this regularly to me, then I will get greatly addicted to his soft pulpy lips. Ah...I want more. He bite my lower lip and licked it asking for permission. I opened my mouth. Soon he entered his tongue into warm cavern. He started exploring and tasting every single part of mouth. In reality, I wanted that my kiss should be taken by a cute girl but Wang Yibo stole my both first and second kiss. I don't feel bad when he kissed me. I too want him to be with me. Soon he broke the kiss.He hugged me again. His hug was  so protective and warm. It was really different. I never felt this type of feeling before. Soon I feel into a deep sleep in his arms.

Zewu Jun's POV

Today, Zizen gave us shelter in his residence. Soon we went to our rooms. As usual Wen Qing and I shared the room. But this time, Wang Yibo took Xiao to room without any hesitation. Perhaps he started to feel comfortable around Xiao Zhan. I laid on my bed. I was feeling restless after seeing CEO Jiang Cheng. I don't know why but I want to spend today with him. I want  to take care of him. Poor he. Wen Chao hurt him so badly that he even lost his conscious. Thanks God, we kidnapped Xiao Zhan thinking that he would be a bad guy and must be weakpoint  of Meng Yao, but he is so kind, cheerful, polite man. He even agreed to help us. We wanted to catch Meng Yao but now we are searching for Jin Guangyao and Wen Chao who were our next targets.
I want to learn more about Jiang Cheng now. I  tried to calm myself but I failed. After 30 minutes, I came out from my room and went to Jiang Cheng's room. Before entering Jiang Cheng's room, I went to Wang Yibo's room. I just looked inside  from window to discover what are they doing.
   Their position really shocked me. Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan are sharing same bed. Xiao Zhan was sleeping in Wang Yibo's arms. While Wang Yibo was hugging him. Both of them were looking so cute together.
    Ahhh... Finally  Yibo started to like someone. I just smiled. Then I headed towards Jiang Cheng's room. Before entering, I looked through window.

(Cheng is not holding picture here, but imagine that he is holding a picture

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(Cheng is not holding picture here, but imagine that he is holding a picture.)

He was sleeping on his stomach. He was holding a picture in his hands. I entered into his room. I went near to him and looked at the picture he was holding. It was picture of kids in the playground.
    "Wow...They are so cute!" I exclaimed as the kids were really cute as baby rabbits.
    He got startled on hearing my voice suddenly.
    "I'm sorry, did I scared you, CEO Jiang."
    "Ah...I got little frighten...when did you
come here?  And yes, since you are A'xian's friend, call me Jiang Cheng. Please don't call me CEO Jiang."
    "Okay. I came here just now, to see you if you are alright."
    He smiled at me.
    "Ah, I'm alright."
  'Wow he look so beautiful when he smiles.' My brain supplied. 
"Who are these kids?"
"Umm...this is my childhood picture with my friends."
" guys are so cute like rabbits."
"Who is the cutest among all?"
"Um...this one." I said pointing the boy standing in the middle. As soon as I completed my sentence, I noticed that he blushed a little.
"What happened? Why are blushing?" I asked.
"You are missing your old friends,  right?"
"No, I was missing them. But I am happy now. The boy you pointed is me. The boy standing on right side is Xiao Zhan and Wen Qing is standing on the left. I met them again after so many years."
I just smiled at his words.
"Zewu Jun, what is our plan for tomorrow?"
"Thinking of visiting Wen Chao's residence."
"It is not safe to visit his residence."
"Okay, then we will plan tomorrow. Everyone is resting now, so I will not disturb them.Now take rest."
"Goodnight, Zewu Jun."
Soon I returned  to my bed room. Suddenly an I idea stuck in my mind. A slight smile appeared on face on finding a way to catch Wen Chao.

1. Sorry for typing mistakes.

2. English is not my first language. So please compromise with it.

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