Mang Yao is caught - chapter 20

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3rd  person's pov

Meng Yao's house
It was already late night. Meng Yao was taking rest in his own bedroom. Even though he was lying on his bed, he can't fell asleep. His mind was continuously searching for something.
Days passed by. But there was yet no information about Xiao Zhan. He was not actually worried for Xiao Zhan in reality. He was neither worried for himself. As he knew that Xiao Zhan knew nothing about him. But still he was thinking that is Xiao Zhan is alive or dead. He felt happy when he thought that Xiao Zhan is killed by the detectives after getting his letter. But what if Xiao Zhan is till alive? Where is he?Suddenly his phone rang. He felt annoyed due to call in late hours. It was from an unknown call. He immediately cut the call.Again his phone rang. It was the call from the same unknown number. He didn't cut the call. Soon their conversation started.
"Uncle Meng, come to meet me right now. I will give you address."
"Xiao Zhan?!"
Meng Yao was shocked to hear Xiao Zhan's voice. 'He is alive! Fuck! Why the kidnappers didn't kill him' he thought.
"Yes. It's me Xiao Zhan. "
"Are you alright? Are you okay?" Meng Yao asked as if he was really worried for him.
"Yes, I am. Uncle please come to meet me right now. I have something which is really important to tell you."
"Really? What is it?"
"Uncle, I can't tell it. Please come to Forbidden Ling Village. At the end of the Village, you will find a mansion. I am there. Please come here quickly alone. I am waiting. "
"Okay I will be there."
Soon their conversation ended. Meng Yao drove towards the Ling Village. On the way, he was just thinking that what is so important that Xiao Zhan want to tell. Soon, he reached the spot.

It was totally forbidden

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It was totally forbidden. He observed the surroundings. There were very few broken houses. The region appeared  to be haunted. There was pin drop silence. Soon he reached the mansion. He slowly entered the forbidden  house.
"Xiao Zhan, where are you?" Meng Yao  yelled. Soon he found a door. He opened the door with a loud thud. It was totally dark inside. There was on the top of the wall. From there, moonlight was entering inside the room. A man was standing there.

Soon he turned towards Meng Yao

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Soon he turned towards Meng Yao.
"Xiao Zhan! What are you doing in this forbidden house. It appears to be so haunted. And yes, what is that important thing you want to tell me?"
"I never imagined that you will be such a great criminal."
"You are none other than Jin Guangyao."
"Xiao Zhan, why are saying this? I haven't done any crime. "
"Stop telling lies. Mr. Jin Guangyao, why did you kill my parents?"
"Xiao Zhan! I am not Jin Guangyao.You are accusing me for killing your parents?!"
"I am not accusing you. I am telling the truth. And now I want to know the reason for killing my parents. Not only this, but also you done so many other crimes like illegal drug business, organ smuggling etc."
"How can you believe these things? Do you have any proof?"
"Yes, I have."
Saying so, Xiao Zhan  showed the video of Wen Chao recorded by Zizen. Meng Yao became speechless for a moment.
"Yes, I am Jin Guangyao. And yes killed you parents. Because your father is youngest, so everyone loves him most. I am the oldest, but no one loved me. Everyone praised him for his intelligence, kindness, attitude etc. He was the main barrier in my way. And yes, I am involved in these crimes like illegal drug business, organ smuggling etc. That's never your business. Let me ask you something, how do you collect such a beautiful proof."
"Mr.Yang recorded while Wen Chao was telling the truth."
"Mr. Yang!! He helped you!! That fucking bastard dared to do this!!"
"Ofcourse he dare. Because he is fed up with you and also wanted to take revenge of his parent's death."
Meng Yao smiled like snake on hearing this.
"He did really big mistake for trying to take revenge? And also you are not exception. "
"Even after doing such crimes don't you have regret?!  Don't you feel bad for your siblings?!"
"Regret! For what?!" Meng started to laugh like lunatic.
"About my siblings, all of them were in my way. No one supported me. Each and every time I got insulted by others."
"Well...You said that you killed your siblings including my father because they were in you were way...Then why did you killed my mother??" Xiao Zhan asked trying  to calm himself.
"Because it was me you proposed her first, but she rejected me for you father. And also I don't want to kill her, but each and every time she protected your father from me. Because of her each and my every plan failed. "
Meng Yao paused a little and continued,"Are you asking me about my regret of not killing along with your parents? Do you want to know why I didn't kill you?"
Xiao Zhan clenched tightly in anger and said" For becoming CEO of troops."
"Wow...Wen Chao told you this right? But there was another reason too.  I wanted to give you poison after giving you shelter but later I decided to keep you with me as a memory of your mother. But now I think that I need to destroy your mother's memory." Saying so, Meng Yao put his hand into his pocket and took out a pocket knife and attacked Xiao Zhan, but Xiao Zhan escaped from the attack. He kicked Meng Yao's stomach  so hard that Meng Yao fell on the ground. Then Xiao Zhan punched him on his face. Then Xiao Zhan was about to attack but Meng Yao hit  Xiao Zhan on his forehead with a stick he found near his hand. Then he stood up and put his gun on Xiao  Zhan's forehead and was about to shoot. Meng Yao's action was so quick was Xiao Zhan cannot  do anything. He closed his eyes tightly.  He heard a sound of the gun, but later he realised that it didn't hit him.
"Xiao Zhan, are you alright?"
Xiao Zhan slowly opened his eyes and found Zewu Jun beside him. He then looked down and found Meng Yao's dead body on floor.
"He is dead!!"
"Wang Yibo shoot him on his head." Jiang Cheng replied.
Xiao Zhan immediately went to Wang Yibo and hugged him tightly. Wang Yibo wanted to hig him back but he heard somebody coughed from behind.
"Ahm ahm... it seems as if Xiao Zhan started to like Wang Yibo." Wen Qing said with a smirk.
Zizen started to clap his hands in happiness and excitement,"Wow, I can see a couple before me."
Jiang Cheng smiled a bit then lowered his head. Zewu Jun noticed this.
"What happened? Why are you looking a bit disappointed?"
"I am still single. Xiao Zhan also get a boyfriend."
"Wanna be my boyfriend?" Zewu Jun whispered taking Jieng Cheng's hand into his arm.
"Uh?! Are you serious?"
"Yes 10000 percent." Zewu Jun said and pecked Jiang Cheng's finger as Wen Qing, Xiao Zhan, Wang Yibo and Zizen were talking among themselves. Wang Yibo's ear turned red due to Wen Qing's words. Suddenly Wang Yibo saw Zewu Jun to peck Jiang Cheng's finger.
"It seems as if Jiang Cheng accepted my brother Zewu Jun." Wang Yibo said to protect himself from getting more embarrassment from Wen Qing. Jiang Cheng's face turned red like tomato. Wen Qing was about to say something but Zewu changed the topic.
"Xiao Zhan, when will Wen Chao come back to his real sense?"
"After few minutes he will gain his sense. "Xiao Zhan said looking at his watch. "If you want him to  remain at unconscious state, then I will inject  anesthetic medicine in his body."
"Fine, how about give him a surprise at police department?" Yibo said.
"It would be pretty fine." Wen Qing said.
"Zizen, I think you along with your brother should come to our department along with us."
Zizen nodded.

Next morning, Wen Chao found himself in the police station. He was arrested. From then Zizen became an employee Jiang Cheng's. Zen became a spy and started to give information about the criminals who with the club. They all started living together happily.


1. Sorry for the  typing mistakes.

2. English is not my first language. Please compromise with it.

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