Spying on Wang Yibo - Chapter5

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Xiao Zhan's POV

   Next morning I woke up really. In reality I can't sleep well.as I could only remember my past. The way my parents were killed still comes into my dream. It is just like a terrible nightmare for me. Finally I decided to know about the kidnappers and reason for being kidnapped. If I guess right...if they are trying to catch the murder of my parents, then surely I must help them. I went to bathroom and changed my clothes. I decided to talk to Zewu Jun as he is not as cold as Wang Yibo.
   It was 8 a.m. I was about to knock the door then I suddenly heard, some conversation. It must the conversation between Wang Yibo and Zewu Jun. I put my ears closer to the door to hear the conversation.
   "Wang Yibo...So, from the analysis of the paper did you get any clues?"
   "From the analysis, I can say that the ink is not used all over China. It is only manufactured in  Lanling Town. But I still can't find that which brand it belongs, may be it is...."
    Before Wang Yibo complete his words Zewu Jun said "It must be manufactured at home through traditional method. "
   "I think so." Wang Yibo said.
   "Hmm.... I think we should show it to Xiao Zhan...since he has said that the handwriting is familiar to him..."
   "No need...how could he help us if the one who sent this is someone who is really close to him."
   Hearing this, I thought what kind of man is he! I never committed any sin...I helped people a lot...still this man,Wang Yibo suspects me. By the ways, Wang Yibo analysed the paper, it means Wang Yibo must not be an organ smuggler or something like that...And I feel as Zewu Jun is investigating.What does it means suddenly my brain supplied they must be undercover agents.it means they must be from police department. Thinking so, I felt  relief. But I wanna learn more, suddenly I felt as if their conversation has completed. Before they opened the door I hide myself behind wall.
   I felt as if they left the place and I started following them. I saw them to enter a garden.I followed them.

I followed them

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Wooow....it is so beautiful. It is as beautiful as the garden in my besti's house. Ahhhhhh...my best friend Wen Qin...I miss Wen Qin.

Suddenly I saw a woman standing in a garden. Her skin is pale in color and hair is brown in color. She look so bold and beautiful.

I don't know why but it reminds me of my besti

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I don't know why but it reminds me of my besti.
    "Good morning Wang Yibo and Zewu Jun." The woman greeted Wang Yibo and Zewu Jun with a sweet smile in her face.
   "Good morning" Wang Yibo and Zewu Jun said.
   "I have heard about your investigation. I am really wanna help you and i am also curious about it. I have heard that somebody gave you letter in late night hours, yesterday and Wang Yibo analysed it. I am eager to the results."
   "According to the analysis...the ink is made through traditional process at home and this type of ink is only made in lanling town." Zewu Jun replied.
   "Hmm....can ai have a look?" she said.
   "Mn" Wang Yibo said and handed it to her.
   "Wait....I have seen this handwriting is so familiar!"
   "What!!!!" Wang Yibo and Zewu Jun exclaimed.
   Even i was also shocked to know that the handwriting is familiar to her too. How could this be possible!!!!!


1. Sorry for typing mistakes.
2. My English is not my first language...so please compromise.

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