The Unknown Call- Chapter 18

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After 3 days.
3rd person's POV
At Wen Chao's residence.

It was 2 a.m. Wen Chao was lying on his bed after having his lunch. He was having wine to remove himself from stress. He had several thoughts in his mind. His biggest problem was Jiang Cheng. Where is Jiang Cheng? How could he escape ? He was trying to estimate the places where Jiang Cheng could be. He already visited Jiang Cheng's house, his office everything. He even sent his members to search where is Jiang  Cheng. It has been three days after the incident happened. He was losing his temper. He even broke a lot of things.
"Bastard, where you are ? How can you escape from me ? You got badly injured by me? Then how could be this possible?!!" He yelled angrily throwing glass on the floor.

"Bastard, where you are ? How can you escape from me ? You got badly injured by me? Then how could be this possible?!!" He yelled angrily throwing glass on the floor

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"You were injured so badly that you were unconscious for 5 days. Even before you escape, I checked you. You were unconscious then. Then how?"
Suddenly he remembered something. He remembered the day when this incident happened. 
"Fuck! It happened on the day when the party was held. Hell it means it was done by outsiders. Outsiders means to those I it means one of guests.... how can this be possible...I hide Jiang Cheng in a forbidden chamber..."
He started to think deeply and memorize the incidents happened that day.
"Wait! In that party, zen was also present. But it was  Zen's first time to visit the place. So it was impossible for him to find Zen besides Zen was busy serving us. "
Wen Chao immediately opened his laptop and started seeing videos recorded in cctv cameras in his mansion. He watched every video carefully. He saw how Zen served all the guests and impressed everyone. He saw how everyone got drunk. Suddenly, he found a recording in which Zen went to kitchen to keep wine bottles. Then he went outside for sometime. Seeing this Wen Chao started suspecting Zen. Few minutes later he saw Zen came back a bottle. Zen poured the drink in glass. It was chocolate drink. He then saw Alex to come there and also heard the conversation between Alex and Zen. After hearing conversation Wen Chao got relief as he heard Zen told Alex that he brought the chocolate drink for guests. Now Wen Chao got suspicious of his guests as he thought that it was done by one of his members. The guests were his important people. They were the ones who gave information about everything to Wen Chao. He immediately ordered some of his men to spy over those important ones.
Everything was becoming  complicated and a great trouble for Wen Chao now. Now even can't share everything with Meng Yao as the relation between Meng Yao and Wen Chao is no more good as it was before. It all was started between Meng Yao and Wen Chao with a that little misunderstanding,the button shaped chip Wen Chao found. Wen Chao decided to visit the club again for refreshment.
It was 8:00 P.M. Wen Chao was enjoying at the club then. Suddenly he received a call from a unknown number. Soon the conversation began.
"Wen Chao, my old friend,I want to meet you so badly."
"Who? Who is that?"
"Wen Chao, don't try to be smart. Come to  meet me. I will give you address."
"But who are you?"
"It's not important to know about me. Do what I am saying."
"If you don't tell me who are you, then I not going to meet you."
"Don't try to escape from me. I know every single information about your crime. If you don't listen to me, then I am going to inform to police about your crimes. "
"I haven't done any crime."
"Wen Chao, you can't escape from by telling lies. I already have Jieng Cheng and I have proofs that you have have done human trafficking, you are involved with illegal drug business and many more."
"No. Don't do that. Tell me where should I come to meet you."
"Good boy, come to meet me at the forbidden Ling village. At the end of the of the village, you will find a mansion. Come to meet me there. But come alone without security, even without bodyguards."
"What!?? Hello? Hello?"
But before Wen Chao could say anything, the call ended.
Wen Chao's immediately left the club and started driving towards the spot to meet the unknown one.


1. Sorry for typing mistakes.

2. English is not my first language. So please compromise with it.

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