Secret Chamber- chapter 6

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Wang Yibo's POV

  "What!! It is familiar to you!!!" I and Zewu Jun exclaimed. Both of us were greatly surprised as it is familiar to both the lady and Xiao Zhan.
  It was really hard to complete analysis but I somehow managed I to complete the analysis. I suspect that it must be Meng Yao. I wanted to tell this to Zewu Jun. But suddenly I felt as if someone is spying on us. Is it Xiao Zhan? Perhaps Zewu Jun is kind towards him. Is he trying to leak of our secrets? So we went to garden but I felt as if someone is still following us. So I didn't say anything about it. There we saw a lady standing in the garden alone. She is none other than Officer Wen Qin. Wen Qin is a trusted and faithful lady Officer in our police department. She always helps us in our investigation. But the handwriting is too familiar to her, it is really strange!
  Zewu Jun and I stared at each other for a moment as both of us became clueless at the same time.
  "Yes, it is really familiar to me. Even though I haven't seen this handwriting recently but I have seen it when I was young."
  "Wen Qin, can you please explain us briefly." Zewu Jun said.
   She thought something for a moment and said "follow me."
   She took us to library, ofcourse it's a secret room.

We entered our secret room

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We entered our secret room. There she started searching for something.
   "Wen Qin, what are you searching for?"
"Wait a minute"
Suddenly she picked a  paper and handed it towards us.
"Look at this writing...isn't it familiar?"
We were shocked,  it was the was the same handwriting with the same ink. It was written there
I am giving you the last chance, Do what I say or you have to end miserably
"What is this and where did you get ?" I asked.
"I think we need to talk with Xiao Zhan as he said that handwriting is familiar to him." Zewu Jun said.
"No need." I said.
  "Wang Yibo, don't be so rude towards him. He is not a bad guy" Wen Qin said.
  "How can you say so confidently?" I said.
  "Because he was my childhood besti and he is copy print of his mother and father." Wen Qin said."And about this letter, this letter was sent to Xiao Zhan's parents a week before they were murdered."
  "What!!!" It was another shocking news for me and it made bolt from blue.
  "Xiao Zhan's parents were murdered!!!"
  "Yes, we were too young then, later he was adopted by his uncle CEO Meng Yao. But after I didn't dare to go to Xiao Zhan but  I was spying him.I was just taking  care of him invisibly as  Meng Yao never took care of him.He hasn't changed a little bit." She then looked at the paper and said,"Perhaps this must be  the reason why Xiao Zhan said that the handwriting is familiar."
  "Wen Qin, do you want to meet Xiao Zhan?" Zewu Jun said.
  "No, it's not proper time. But I will meet him later. I have to go now,  Bye"
  Wen Qin left the place.
  I never imagined that Xiao Zhan is not Meng Yao's son. But I still don't like him. As Meng Yao adopted him, there is possibility for Xiao Zhan to be a bad guy.
  "Let's go out and see what Xiao Zhan is doing?"Zewu Jun said.
  I nodded my head and we came out of the secret room.
  Suddenly we heard a sound in our library. We ran there. Xiao Zhan!!! What is he doing here!!!
He was searching for something.
"How did you come here, Xiao Zhan? This place is new to you." Zewu Jun said.
Xiao Zhan looked at us,perhaps he didn't notice us that we were here for a long time.
"Hello, Zewu Jun, Goodmorning. When did you come here?" Xiao Zhan said with a book in his hand.
"Just now." Zewu Jun replied.
"Why did you come here Xiao Zhan instead of staying in your room?" I asked as I don't like him a little bit.
"You are asking me for the reason why I come here.  It is so silent and boring here. I don't like silence.  So I went to Zewu Jun's room but he was not there, so I decided to see this place as I am completely new here. "He was looking at the book in hand as if somebody gave him candy. Is reading is his hobby? Awe he is looking cute. He went to a bench in our library and took his seat. While Zewu Jun and I sat a little bit away from him to discuss the matter.

3rd person POV

     It was 9 PM. It was already dark and silence outside.A man who was around 39 years old was sitting on a chair in front of a table. He was holding a glass of wine in his hand. His mind was searching for something.

Then suddenly another man came and broke the silence

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Then suddenly another man came and broke the silence.
     "Young master Meng Yao, I have completed the task given by you. So what is your next move?"
     "So, you successfully gave my letter to the detectives. Good. So did they make that innocent foolish Xiao Zhan free?"
  "Fine then. Give this letter to them today "
  Another man appeared from behind. He is a tall, young man who is around 34 years. Meng Yao turned back to see the man.
  "Wen Chao, what is written in the letter this time!?"
  Saying this, Meng Yao took the letter from Wen Chao's hand. Suddenly, an evil smile appeared in his face.
  "Wen Chao... You are so perfect, that's why you are my partner. Here take it and give it to them."


1. Sorry for typing mistakes.

2. English is not my first language, so Please compromise with it.

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