Xiao Zhan's childhood memory - chapter 4

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Xiao Zhan's POV

Soon I closed my eyes and suddenly I remembered something. Ahh....there are my memories. Even though I can't remember everything clearly....but still I can remember only few incidents.

 *Past incident      It was late night

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*Past incident
It was late night. I was returning home from my best friend's home with my parents. I don't know why but my father suddenly looked back. My mom said,"What happened? Why are you staring back? It's already too late we can't wait here."
"I feel as if someone is following us. It's better for us to get separated."
"Oh...dear....it must be your illusion....who will follow us in such late hours..."
We again started walking. But after walking for a while....suddenly a car stopped in front of us. Then a mob of people came out. They were all holding knives in their hands.
"Run!!!" My father said. But soon we were caught by them. Then my father started resisting them and said,"Run away from here. Protect yourself and take care of our son. No matter if I die."
My mom wanted to fight for my dad...but in order to take care of me...she started running. While running we can hear my dad's voice which was full of pain. After running for a while why mom looked back to see if they were still following. It was almost impossible for us to escape. My mom then kept me in a very dark corner of an unknown house. She kissed my forehead. Tears roll from her eyes.
"Please don't get out of here...no matter if I die in front of you...if you stay well then both of mine and your dad's soul will rest in peace"
Saying this she left me. Then I saw her fighting boldly, ferociously but all on a sudden a man stabbed her from behind.
"Finally you too failed to defend like your husband...now It's your son's turn. Where is he?" The man started moving towards me. Even though it was so dark that he couldn't see me, but I was totally panicked.
"You idiot....what you are thinking? You will kill my son! Even though I am injured...but I will fight till my last breath"
Saying so my mom killed the man as well his gang. But after that she breath her last. Then I came out hopping nobody there.I went back to see if my dad is alright. But there I saw my father's dead body.

The whole incident is just like a mini movie in my brain. And I suddenly remembered it.
I sat on my bed. Sweats appeared on my face. I went near the window for some fresh air. I was trying to relax myself. Suddenly I thought of the letter at the corridor. I frozen there for a moment because I saw the same handwriting in my childhood, a week before my parents were murdered. Is it means the murder want to kill me just like my parents?
I almost panicked. I can't understand what to do. Suddenly I remembered that I am kidnapped. It means right now I am safe. I can't escape from here. Maybe the murder waiting for me to get a chance to murder me.
Besides when I saw Zewu Jun and Wang Yibo, I don't know why but I felt as if they kidnapped me for purpose but they will not harm me.
What if both Wang Yibo and Zewu Jun are searching for murder who murdered my parents? If yes then I must help them to find the criminal. I too want to take revenge. But right now I have to calm down. So I again laid on bed and started listening songs.

Zewu Jun's POV
I entered my room and laid on bed to take rest. But my mind was searching for something. I don't know why but I am feeling that Xiao Zhan is not a bad guy like his father. But I can't trust him totally but I can't blame him too. But the most unexpected incident is who gave us that letter? Is it Meng Yao? But how could it be possible? He is presently not in China. And also...Xiao Zhan said that handwriting is very much familiar to him? Is it Meng Yao's writing? But if it is really Meng Yao, then Xiao Zhan didn't say it. It means it must be someone who is very close to Xiao Zhan but not Meng Yao. I hope Wang Yibo can get clues from the analysis of cramped paper.
But who can it be??


1. Sorry for typing mistakes.
2. My English is not good. Please compromise with it.

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