Thank you Wang Yibo - chapter 8

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Xiao Zhan's POV

Soon we headed towards Lanling Town.
"There are two most important places here for criminals. One is Black Panther cassino and another is Li Chen's club." Wang Yibo said coldly.
"I think it will be better if Zewu Jun and I head towards Black Panther Cassino, while you two head towards the Li Chen's club." Wen Qing said.
"Ok." Both Zewu Jun and I said together.
Soon I and Wang Yibo headed towards Li Chen's Club. We entered into the bar. It was really a big hall. There were blue lights all around. All the ladies and men were dancing at the center of the hall, while there were place to sit as well.

 All the ladies and men were dancing at the center of the hall, while there were place to sit as well

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Wang Yibo and I took our seats. Suddenly my eyes fall on server boy. He was holding glasses of wine and was serving them. I decided to know about the crimes that happened there and I was hoping to know that he can help us to gather information about our most wanted criminal. Suddenly the boy came towards us and offered wine.
"Sir, I think you just came here? Would you like to have some wine?"
Wang Yibo said no while I said yes. The boy smiled and offered wine.
"This is the best wine. Everyone will get drunk after having a single glass." The boy boasted.
"Really!! What if I won't get drunken after having a glass?" I asked.
"I shall change my surname." The boy said confidently.
"Ok then..."
I was about to take a glass suddenly Wang Yibo hold my wrist tightly and gave me death glare.
"What are you doing? Don't have the wine, you will get drunken."
"Ahhh...Wang Yibo, don't be afraid. I will not get drunken."
Saying so I took a glass of wine and drank it.
"Look, I am not drunken yet. So, will you change your surname?" I asked with a smirk on my face.
"No, I shall change my surname if you won't get drunken even after having a bottle of wine."
" Fine then."
He gave me a wine bottle and I drank it.
"Look, I am still not drunken, now will you change your surname?"
"Sure, what is your surname?"
I was about to say that my surname is Xiao, then suddenly an idea came to my mind. I winked to Wang Yibo then said, " My surname is Wang."
Wang Yibo's eyes widened. Perhaps he is greatly shocked. I smiled a little bit at Wang Yibo's reaction. The boy then went near the DJ box and holding megaphone he announced, " Today,I decided to change my surname as I lost my bet with a young man. So from now my surname is Wang."
Suddenly I eyes fall on an another tall man. He was wearing a black suit. I was frozen for a second. He was none other than my uncle, Meng Yao's friend Wen Chao. Wen Chao never treated me nicely. He always behaves with me like slave. I don't know why but something in my heart is telling me that Wen Chao must be a suspect.
"Wang Yibo, I think we need to keep eye on Wen Chao."
"I think he is also involved in case."
"Do you have any proof?"
"Wang Yibo! I know him since my childhood. He is not a good person. We need to take information about him too."
"Xiao Zhan, we detectives never suspect anyone without proof"
"Do you have facemask?"
"Don't lie to me. You have it."
Saying so I took the facemask from his pocket and wore it. Then I was waiting for opportunity to go closer to Wen Chao. After some time I saw Wen Chao to start dancing. Oh God!! He is so bad at dancing!! His dance is enough to murder a healthy person. Perhaps he is drunken so badly. I took the opportunity. I went into the crowd and insert a recording chip in his pocket from behind. The chip that will give us all information.Then I returned to Wang Yibo.
"What did you do to him?"
"I have put a recording chip in his pocket."
"What!! What will happen if he find it out!?"
"Wang Yibo, don't be afraid. The chip is inserted in a botton. It is common for everyone to mistook it as a button of a shirt." I said.
We then left the club. After that Wang Yibo and I together roamed in Lanling town in search of places where we can find the traces of criminals.
Soon it became dark. It was 11 PM. We were returning to hotel where Zewu Jun has booked rooms for us . We were walking on footpath.

I never imagined that it would be so silence at 11pm

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I never imagined that it would be so silence at 11pm.
Suddenly I felt as if someone pulled me from behind. I looked back to find who pulled me. Alex!! What is he doing here?!!
Alex was senior in our college. He is the one of the most annoying guy I have ever met. Once he proposed me and I simply rejected him. And from then I always try to avoid him. Because after that whenever we meet, he try to do something really very bad to me.
Oh God!! What is he doing here?!! He is stronger than me. I tried to resist myself but he pulled me closer.
"Alex!! Let me go. I don't want to be with you"
He put his arm around my waist.
"Finally, I found you. Now who shall protect you from me."
"No, let me go. Let me go."
"Today yo are going to sleep with me"
I looked back to find Wang Yibo. I wanted to ask him to help me. But Alas!! Where is Wang Yibo!!?
All on a sudden, somebody attacked Alex. And he pulled me away from Alex. I was shocked and felt happy to know that he was none other than Wang Yibo.
"How dare you to touch Xiao Zhan?! Who the hell gave you the permission to take him?!!"
Wang Yibo then kicked him and beat him badly. I never see this protective side of Wang Yibo. While Wang Yibo was fighting with him, he look so handsome and powerful. He was looking so handsome that anyone will fall for him.
Suddenly I came back to my sence. Oh no!! I have to stop him. He beat Alex so badly that he even couldn't get up.
"Wang Yibo, that's enough. Now please stopped." I beg holding his hand.
Wang Yibo gave up.
"I am leaving you this time, but if you ever try to touch him, I swear, no one can protect you."
After that we left the place and soon we reached our room. We changed our clothes and went to bed.
"Thank you, Wang Yibo."
"For what?"
"For protecting me from him."
"No need. It's my duty to protect you. Now go to bed. Tomorrow we have to search more evidences"
Soon he turned off the lights and darkness spread in the room.
What!?! Am I hearing right. It's my duty to protect you!?! Is he alright?! Why it is his duty?


1. Sorry for typing mistakes.

2. English is not my first language. Please compromise with it.

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