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3rd POV:
Araya and Abigail were busy in the kitchen making dinner while Thomas finished his homework, soft music playing in the background.

It was the music their friends created, Korean music and they understood every word and could sing along easily.

"Hey Aria?" Abigail called her friend on her nickname keeping her eyes on the carrots she was cutting.

"Yea Abbs?" She called having a light smile on her face as she stirred the noodles. Remembering that it was their favourite meal.

"You think they're going to visit soon?" She asked softly as if she didn't want the world to know she thought of them.

Araya understood why.

They hadn't seen them in months except on television, in an interview or live somewhere.

"Probably Abbs, you know they cannot stay away long. Particularly away from Tom," she replied softly easing her friend nerves.

"Eomma!" Yelled Thomas from the living room making Abigail bolt without another action, Araya following. Worry in her chest wondering what happened.

Thomas never calls them always comes to them.

What had happened?

"What is it baby?" The frantic mother asked as she sat next to her son looking for any injuries or signs of hurt.

He pointed to the television and turned up the volume shaking a little.

"....everyone has to head to Atlanta for safety until the sickness passes. Pack what you need and leave. Now," the reporter said.

Abigail immediately shut off the television when dead bodies were shown not wanting to scare her son.

Araya and Abigail shared a look for a few seconds before heading in different directions.

Hell has finally arrived.

And boy was it going to be hot.

Hey Readers!

Hope you liked the prologue!

Sometimes I'm going to add Korean words and put the meaning of it here!

Don't like it. Leave.

Eomma → Mum

Appa → Dad

Noona→ older sister/woman for younger brother/boy.

Oppa→ Older brother/boyfriend for girl/sister.

Unnie→ Older sister/woman for younger sister/girl.

Understand? If not example ↓↓

Alice was sweeping her room when her younger sister Quinn ran in with a book in her hands, "Unnie! Unnie help me please," the younger sister called.



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