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Daryl and Rick found a prison while hunting but side note it is littered with undead.

They plan on using Glenn as bait which I dislike a lot so does Araya and Maggie. Araya cares for Glenn like a sister does as do I. Maggie likes him plain and simple.

"Eomma, is the prison gonna be our new home?" Asked Thomas softly as we waited for the men to get done with their 'plan'. "Yea, bug and you'll have more space to run around and sleep in a bed and food. Excited hun," he nodded snuggling more into my side.

Araya was pacing and muttering to herself while the others talked among themselves and the boys were watching us.

Thomas, Araya and I to be specific.

My gaze locked with Hoseok's, he smiled lightly at me which I responded to with a nodded before looking back when I heard footsteps approaching us.

"C'mon, let's go home," said Grimes and led us to the prison.


For a while.

I hope.

"Got you Carl," Thomas said before racing away from the twelve year old who ran after him. Their laughter filling the area making a few smile.

The boys just stared at them expressions blank. What is going on with them?

I walked -more like limped- to them and jabbed my finger into Namjoon chest hard.

That hurt.

More than usual.

"You seven better explain after dinner or so help me...." I warned them and went to play with the kids.

I headed inside while the others Herschel, Rick, Glenn and cleared out a cellblock of Biters. Araya was with the kids as everyone waited anxiously outside.

I noticed a few definitely dead bodies dragging them into a pile just as Daryl and Glenn burst through a gate carrying Herschel.

He was bit.

I bolted outside, "Maggie it's your dad," I called and headed back in as she Lori and Beth followed the men. I turned around immediately pulling my gun and aiming it at three inmates that somehow survived.

One raised his hands, as if surrendering while the other two just stared.

"What's going on? Did you guys rob a bank?" Asked the middle one keeping his arms up.

I didn't answer just kept my aim and face blank. When I saw the one the left move I aimed my gun at his head and he stopped.

"Abby, what's going on?" Asked Grimes as he walked into the let's call it centre of the building.

Tensing when he saw the three, Daryl joined a few moments later. "Go, wait outside Abby," said Rick as he stared the men down. I rolled my eyes but did as told.

Noah was the only inmate that joined and that the others trusted. Axel did join but got killed by Rick because he was a risk to everyone and the other I don't think you wanna know.

Everyone got their own cell.

Though Thomas and I shared Araya's is on the left of ours. Herschel lost his leg but he'll be alright just needs to rest.

The seven boys sat across from us three eating little and speaking only to each other.

Their eyes glowing a bright blue. It changes to red sometimes.

"Alright, you seven can start explaining when the kids are in bed," said Rick, they nodded and Carl and Thom complained but obeyed.

As soon as the kids showered, changed clothes, brushed teeth and was in bed we headed back to the centre to join the others.

I sat next to Araya across from them and we waited for the few to join. When everyone(excluding the kids) was there Namjoon was first to talk.

"As you all know we've known Araya, Tom and Abby for a few years. We were supposed to visit them a few months back as a surprise. What we didn't know was that the dead would stop it."

Hoseok continued from another part.

"The day they were about to leave we called and wanted to meet up by a safe place. We decided a place and of course they went-"

Seokjin patted his back in reassurance then took over for him. (Yes I'm going to different members tell a little part.)

"The reason we didn't show up is because we got...captured."

Jungkook let out a breath and said, "experimented on."

"We aren't normal, we do not know what we are we just know we're not fully human anymore," said Taeyhung softly eyes flashing.

I clasped a hand over my mouth as the words sunk in and Araya gripped my shoulder suddenly. As if to ground herself.

"So when you guys didn't just leave...you were taken?" Murmured Araya and I closed my eyes feeling guilt hit me.

I'm sorry....

Will they harm us though?

"We won't hurt anyone here, if we did no one would be left standing," said Yoongi bluntly it reminded me of old him.

Always blunt no matter the situation.

"Araya do you think we should let Tom....be with them?" I whispered to Araya who looked very worried. She nodded and said, "tomorrow though. Everyone head to bed," she called making everyone groan but did as they were told.

Tomorrow would be a new day.

Different start.

Heya Everyone!

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