😢Biters, Missing and Shots🔫

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We've been driving and switching for the last four to five fours Thomas is passes out along with Sophia while Araya are getting annoyed by Lori who wouldn't shut it.

Seriously how did Grimes marry her?

Araya looked like she wanted to jump out of a window and face a Biter than be here stuck with Lori the Whore.

That sounds good.

Sticking to it.

"Everyone out there's cars blocking and we can scavenge," said Rick and everyone did as told. Carl got out and dragged Thomas and Sophia with him Lori yelling at them to stay in our sights while Rick and the men talked about our situation.

I headed to a blue car parked by the edge of the street and checked it out.

I opened the back seat's door and saw a boy's backpack immediately taking it out and going through it.

There was two bottles of water, energy bars, a few toys and a writing pad.

"Kids!" I called and all three immediately ran over. I handed each a bar knowing they needed it more and the water telling them to share and giving Thomas the backpack telling him and them to stay in sight. They agreed and ran off again.

"You are attached to all three aren't you?" Araya said as she checked the back of the car I hummed a reply smiling lightly at what we found.

Well Araya found.

I called Rick over and he smiled/sighed at the sight of it. A tray of water bottles, two trays of cans. We immediately loaded it up and gave the group a few just as Daryl went hunting murmuring it won't be enough.

We were searching Carl was trying to impress Shane with finding an arsenal and Shane just seemed pissed at the world. As soon as Carl stormed off and Tom was by Glenn I grabbed Shane by his arm and slapped him.

He glared at me but I didn't back off.

"I don't care who you are, you aren't the king of the world and not that kid's dad. If your pissed take it out on an object not on a kid. I see you do that again I'm cutting off junior and feeding him to you," with that I went to find Lori.

"Keep your sidekick in control," and went to Araya who was trying so hard not to laugh.

"Thomas c'mon join us," called Araya laughter clear in her voice. He immediately runs over and hugs her before opening his arms wanting me to pick him up.

Which I did.

Araya attacked him with tickles.

Luckily Tom laughs are quiet otherwise he wouldn't be tickled.

"Eomma....save me!" He cried laughter clear in his voice and eyes smiling so was Araya.

I tapped my chin before stealing him away and placing a raspberry on his neck. He giggled and tried to fight me off but couldn't.

"Guys a horde is coming this way," called Glenn rushing over and immediately the atmosphere changed. "Everyone under the cars immediately," I gave Araya Tom making sire they got under the closest car.

After making sure everyone was under a car I divide under one.

My eyes looked with Tom's Araya holding him tightly as he squirmed to reach me. I placed my finger to my lips gesturing for him be quiet and he complied immediately.

The Biters came past and we were all extremely quiet.

Until Sophia got out from under her hiding spot everything went to hell.

A Biter chased her Rick going after her and Carol going hysterical. Lori tried to comfort her while my family joined my side again. I picked Tom up and let him snuggle into my side.

Rick came back and left again with Daryl.

It was going to be a long night.

After Carol went with Rick and Daryl to find Sophia but didn't find her we set out. Rick, Carl and Shane to find her. Leaving Tom in Araya's hands.

They weren't happy but had to deal.

We were in the forest near a creek and Shane kept his distance as we searched the area.

You better.

Carl and I heard crunching coming from a few feet in front of us. We looked up eyes locking on a deer. It looking us, "so pretty," murmured Carl sounding awed.

Just as a shot rang out.

It didn't register with me for a few seconds.

I looked down to see crimson flooding my shirt. Then I looked at Carl he looked shocked/scared bit his arm was only grazed.

Oh I was shot.

"Carl- call...y....you..your...d....dad..,"

Last thing I heard was.



Uh oh I hope Abby will be alright

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