😱Uh oh🤔

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1st POV:
Araya and I joined a group a couple of months ago, Lori along with Shane told us to.

Because there are safety in numbers which is true, Thomas is safe, has friends and Araya is safe and happy....as a person can be with hell frozen over.

I sat on a log, wilting a horse while letting my eyes scan the are, no Biters and seems Lori and Shane snuck off again.

I looked to see Carl and Thomas playing soccer with Louis Morales' kid while his daughter helped their mum. Araya was keeping Amy company both making jokes. Jacqui and Tim were just talking and Dale was keeping watch.

For Biters and the others.

Daryl went hunting again, Carol and Sophia were doing washing. Ed was in his tent I think drunk.

Like usual.

I wilt off another piece before blowing off the little wood pieces and examined it.

It looked good, not great but it'll have to do. It's for Sophia I already made some animals for the others now it was her turn.

"Sophia," I called immediately she looked over, I waved for her to come to me. She looked to Carol for permission before running over.

"Yes, miss Harper?" She asked shyly fiddling her fingers. "Call me Abby, young one. I have something for you," I said with a soft smile and held out the wooden horse.

She gasped and immediately a smile lit her face as she took it and hugged me tightly. I laughed and returned it, we began whispering to each other.

I tickled her lightly making her squirm and giggle, when I heard it.

Car alarm coming this way.

I tensed and told Sophia to head to her mum which she immediately did and I headed to the path where the other vehicles stood, hand resting near my gun.

Araya soon joined saying Thomas was with Carl and Shane I only trust him 20/50 with my son but if Carl was there it'll be alright.

Glenn stepped out of the car and Dale called to him from the top of the RV, "turn that damn thing off!" "I don't know how!" He called back stepping out of the car.

I jogged over opened the bonnet about to disable it. Shane appeared out of nowhere and disabled it.

I turned and immediately my son's was wrapped around me like a blanket. I smiled and patted his head before squatting in front of him and kissing his forehead.


I whipped my head in Carl's direction just as he tore past us into the arms of his father Rick Grimes. Lori soon join after.

Shane well looks like your fun is over buddy.

I grabbed my boy's hand, he grabbed Araya's and we headed back to centre of camp.

Wish that the boys would show up too, wonder if they're still alive. Last I checked they are here somewhere in America.

Surprise visit.

"Eomma?" I heard Thomas asked snapping me out of my thoughts I turned to him and smiled gently.

"Yea Tom?"

"When are my Uncles coming?" My heart twisted at that because I didn't know at all.

"We'll find them alright hon and then you can tell them about what they'd miss alright?"

  He nodded a smile taking his features over which made me and Araya share a smile.

I frowned as I hadn't take note that Merle hasn't shown up.

Where is that irritating redneck?

"Araya have you seen Merle?" I asked looking over at her as Thomas ran to join Dale on the RV.

She titled her head and looked around as if also realizing not everyone had returned with the group.

"Guys, where's Merle?" I asked walking over to the people that just came back by the fire.

The two sisters together, Rick with his family Thomas talking with Dale. Glenn and T-Dog conversing. The others scattered around came Daryl still hunting.

"Handcuffed on a rooftop in Atlanta...." murmured T-Dog head down and looking guilty. I raised my eyebrows and asked, "why is he still there? Why in the first place?"

This time Rick spoke up my eyes locking on his, gaze a little hard. "He was out of control, he nearly beat T-Dog to a pulp. So I handcuffed him to a pipe on a roof."

"Why not let him free when you were,leaving?" I asked looking between them.

"I dropped the key down a drain...."

Mumbled T-Dog causing me to face palm and Araya to groan. "Daryl is going to kill both of you and it is bedtime for us. Welcome to camp Grimes, Thomas hon come on!"

I called immediately my son was in my arms and we headed to our tent.

As soon as our heads hit the pillow we were out.

Wonder what is going to happen tomorrow.

Nothing good.

At all.

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