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It was finally the time.Kaito was waiting for it for a long time now. His next heist has finally commenced and he was excited about it just like any other heist that he made. Little did he know that his favorite detective wasn't around, but instead a well-known highschool detective that has disappeared from the media for quite some time.

He wore his signature white suite and went off to prepare for his heist, waiting patiently for the perfect time to strike.

~Shinichi's POV~
There were police guarding the museum everywhere, but I knew that it wouldn't stop the moonlight thief from passing their security since he was the master of disguise.
I looked at my watch then looked at Nakamori-keibu pinching every officer on the face, making sure that they weren't Kaito Kid in disguise, but of course that won't stop the thief either.

" It's quite a surprise seeing you here." I turned to see Hakuba looking at his watch.
" The Great Detective of the East cooperating with the police for a Kid heist." He said sarcastically.

" Well, I had some time on my hands. Might as well use it for something." I said with a grin.

" Just so you know, Kid isn't someone to be underestimated. Got that?" Hakuba said as he walked away.

( Tsk, seems you're the one underestimating me, Hakuba. It's alright, since you didn't know that I was Conan.)
I went inside the museum and started searching the area, just in case there were more entrances Kid could enter from. A few minutes had passed as I stumble upon the theater section. I looked at the stage and saw the different numbers that were in display.

" I guess visiting the museum confirmed my deduction."
Thankfully, I was able to figure out the time of the heist as Shinichi, or else it would've been more of a hassle as Conan.
I cotinued searching the place when suddenly the lights of the theater went off.

" Huhh?" I adjusted my eyes in order to get used to the darkness, then went on top of the stage where the jewel was kept.

" Hmm...I haven't seen you before..are you new?" A voice said as I quickly took a step back.

Even though I couldn't see very well, I already knew the owner of the voice.
I could recognize it immediately.
I calmly approached the center of the stage and grinned.

" You could say I'm new, since we really haven't met each other in this type of way. Isn't that right Kid?" I said as I patiently waited for a response.

" You're an odd one, usually if a detective or police finds me they would either run in fear or try to pin me down." Kid said in a playful tone.

Nakamori-keibu and his task force started surrounding the area as Kid stole the jewel and started running. I chased him, dodging the traps he setted up all over the place.
He looked back and laughed at the officers that were struggling to pass through his traps and started running towards the stairs.

" Get back here, Kaito Kid!!!!" Nakamori-keibu said furiously as he chased Kaito Kid.

" Aww, but that wouldn't be a very fun time for me~" Kid said as he mocked the already pissed off Nakamori.

Unfortunately, Kid was just too fast for the officers and were left behind as the thief went to the rooftop of the museum, holding the jewel high up in the air. Kid frowned, it wasn't the jewel he was looking for.

I quickly opened the door to the rooftop and saw Kid standing on the edge of the building.
He looked at me then started walking towards me.

" Don't come any closer." I said as I took the gun I was hiding.

He stopped then looked at me once again, this time showing a smirk on his face.

" Oh no, I will be shot and wounded by a clever detective. What shall I do!" Kid said dramatically.

I rolled my eyes and walked closer to the thief. I looked closely at him then lowered my gun.

" Give me back the jewel, after all you didn't need it anyways."
I grinned as Kid was surprised at what I just said.
He took the jewel from his pocket, then gave it to me.

" You really are an odd one, I like you." He said, winking at me.

I could feel my face heating up at what he said..
He was sure straight forward with his feelings...
If only it would be the same with other emotions.

I slowly regained my composure, then started walking away when suddenly Kid stopped me.
I turned around, curious as to why he stopped me.
He slowly approached me with a gentle smile on his face, an expression I wasn't used to seeing the thief make.

" Who are you?" He asked curiously.
" Kudo Shinichi, just a normal highschool detective." I said as I looked at the moonlight thief.

" I highly doubt that there's anything normal about you." Kid said with honesty.

I chuckled.
The thief smiled then gave a red rose to me.

" It has been a pleasure meeting you, tantei-san."
" I'll look forward at the next time we will meet again." He said as he flew away and disappeared into the night sky.

I looked down at the rose he gave me. It had a note in it.

I don't know why, but you seem familiar.

I know I've seen you before.

You reminded me of metantei-kun.

Perhaps..you're the detective I met on the Clocktower heist.

Either way, you are always welcome to my heists.

It will be interesting to have you participate in it.

Until then, I'll be lurking in the shadows of the night.

Don't let me escape or else, I might make things more amusing for myself.

Bye-bye tantei-san~

                                                                                                                - Kaito Kid

(Why did he make a note for me? That thief is messing with me, isn't it?)
I sighed and went back inside the museum to put the jewel where it belonged.

( I'll look forward at the next time we meet again....is that so..?)
I silently went to the rooftop as I gazed upon the shining moon and stars, thinking about the moonligh thief.

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