17~The First Step

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The day has finally arrived....the day that Shinichi was waiting for the past few weeks as the detective and magician prepared carefully about their upcoming plan. A chance for both of them to trick the organization from killing Kaito, as well as a way for them to prevent the organization from knowing that Shinichi is still alive and was shrank into Conan and the location of Haibara, one of the people that the organization is trying to find and bring back to the organization to complete the poison that they were developing while not being found out by any people with authority.

~Shinichi's POV~
I looked at the time and nodded to myself as I rushed to Professor Agasa's house and silently greeted him before I approached Haibara to give some assistance when it comes with the upcoming heist a few weeks after our plan, she eventually agreed as she wished me the best of luck as I rushed back to my house and waited for the magician to arrive.
I paced back and forth around the library as I waited for Kaito to arrive near the window of the library.

(Hah...Why am I like this tonight...Ughh...calm down Shinichi. You can do this..you just have to put the card on Nakamori-keibu's desk..that's all you need to do.)

I decided to read a book while I waited for the magician as I slowly regained my composure.

" What's taking him so long...?" I muttered to myself as I looked out of the window.

A few minutes had passed when a figure entered through the window while carrying a lot of peculiar items that I have never seen before.
He looked at me with a grin as he put down all the items that he was carrying.

" S-sorry I was late for a few minutes.." He said as he tried to catch his breath.

" It's alright, by the way...why did you bring all this stuff here..? Remember, we are only gonna send the heist card to the police station then we prepare for the heist afterwards." I explained to him as he rummaged around the stuff that he was carrying, picking a strange item after the other.

" I know that, I just brought all this stuff here so that I can find a decent disguise to wear when I keep the back entrance open for you. After all, it would be very suspicious if I don't wear a convincing disguise..right?" He mentioned as he took a spare mask that he had and some clothes that he had brought.

" That's understandable and very thoughtful of you." I said with a smirk.

We go over the plan once more before we proceeded to go to the police station and went to the back entrance of the police station where no one was around.
Kaito quickly rushed to a nearby public bathroom and went back with the disguise on.
He nodded at me as I looked back at him nervously.

" Alright, I'm all set." He said enthusiastically.

(I guess I have to do my part now...I hope that Kaito won't think that what I will do right now is...weird.)

I sighed deeply as I slowly took off my clothes. The magician stared at me with wide eyes before he averted his eyes with a flustered expression on his face.

" W-what the hell are you doing Shinichi?!" He asked me with embarrassment.

He looked around the place with panic as he leaned near the back of the entrance.

" C-can't you just take off your clothes in the bathroom...?" He asked once more as he scratched his head.

" That is an option but I think it's much better to do it here since their is no one around and besides, it would be risky if I do it in the bathroom and then collapse without you having any knowledge about it." I explained to him as I tried to keep a straight face, hiding my embarrassment.

" W-wait, what do you mean by collapsing?" Kaito asked me with concern.

" That happens sometimes when I switch between being Shinichi and Conan." I replied to him as I completely took off my clothes.

" H-here, you really don't want to catch a cold." He said shyly as he gave me a blanket that he had brought with him.

I comfortably wrapped myself with the blanket as I prepared myself to switch back to Conan once again.
I slowly felt my head became light-headed and my chest becoming heavy.
My whole body became numb as I weakly looked at Kaito before completely turning into Conan.

" Hey...are you ok Shinichi...?" He looked at me worriedly.

I simply nodded as I put on the clothes that I wore as Conan and jumped up at the back entrance of the police station while Kaito kept an eye on it.

(Thank God, I can enter vents...)

I quickly maneuvered around the place and silently hid myself under one of the vacant desks as I saw a familiar figure approach Nakamori-keibu's desk.
I saw Hakuba standing near Nakamori-keibu's desk and patiently waited for him to look away before I put the card on his desk.

I decided to stay for a while as I saw Nakamori-keibu approach Hakuba.
I proceeded to go to the nearest desk as I eavesdropped on their conversation.

" I saw a card near the front entrance and I think it's from Kid." Hakuba said plainly.

(What?! That's impossible! That must be from the organization.)

" Well, what does it say this time?" Nakamori asked as he slowly became more pissed off about the news.

" The Grim Colored Crow will seek the full moon jewel and envelope it with darkness as it is shattered completely and from its fragments the feathered crow shall rise with its eclipse." Hakuba read out loud as the other police officers gathered around him.

(I think that's enough eavesdropping. They'll eventually gonna find out about the real heist card.)

I rushed back to the back entrance vent and was immediately greeted by Kaito as I jumped down and was caught by his arms.

" So, what took you so long?" He asked me as he put me down.

" I just eavesdropped on a conversation and found out that the organization sent a card to the station." I said to him in a calm manner.

" What?! Does that mean they know about our plan?" He asked me worriedly.

" No. They likely just want to make the police force think that Kaito Kid is going to make another heist while the real Kaito Kid is unaware about it which in turn would lure you to their trap to search for the ones who caused it and be killed or captured by them which in turn would put me and the others invovled with the organization in danger as well." I explained to him plainly.

" I see....you really are amazing.." Kaito said with a gentle smile on his face.

" W-what."

I hurriedly walked away from the police station as Kaito followed beside me as I desperately hide my face as it slowly became more red.

(Damn you, thief.)

" Hey, what's with the rush?"

" We can't stay there without being suspicious, you idiot."

I huffed at him as we walked through the night peacefully.

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