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The air whooshed quietly as the FBI Agents and other people who would assist in the organization's take down silently hid themselves and entered a hidden passageway, the organization's staff and members unaware of the possibility of anyone being able to sneak in their facilities. 

Shinichi and Kaito followed the two FBI Agents as they are led to a small vent... 

~ Shinichi's POV ~ 

I looked at the small entrance as I thought about what to do while the magician made a lot of peculiar looking traps and bombs. 

( The vent is too small for an adult to fit into..but a child would definitely fit in there..) 

" I'll take things from here. I would advise you three to watch the front entrance." I said seriously as the magician and the two FBI Agents looked at me with a surprised expression on their faces. 

" But-" Jodie uttered before I shook my head with a grim expression on my face. 

" Please, just let me do it. Besides, I'm the only one who has more extensive knowledge about the layout of this building." I mentioned in a hollow voice. 

The three looked at each other as the two FBI Agents walked away while the magician stood still with his head hanging low. 

" You're going to transform, aren't you?" He raised a brow as he walked closer towards me. 

" Yes, and I have to do this on my own for now...I just have to get access to the near entrance so that the others can come in without anyone noticing." I replied as I prepared myself while Kaito covered me. 

I took a deep breath as I felt my body become numb while I looked at Kaito weakly before I completely turned into Conan. 

~ Conan's POV ~ 

I panted heavily as I slowly put on my smaller clothes. 

" Are you okay..?" The magician asked worriedly as I nodded my head. 

" Look after the vent, alright?"  

I gave him a  smile before he softly gave me a peck on the cheek. 

" Be careful.." He said weakly as I entered the small and dark vent. 

I carefully looked around the place before I jumped down and took Pandora out of my pocket. 

" Pandora, we're here. Could you tell me what's the purpose of me taking you inside this place?" I asked the jewel as it glowed brightly. 

~ Well...it's hard to explain..but you have to follow everything I say and trust in me. ~ 

Pandora replied as it illuminated a pathway for me. 

I followed it cautiously before we stumbled upon a huge metal door that was unlocked. 

My eyes widened as I saw the room....its appearance indescribable to a mere vision of a human eye... 

" Oh my god........" 

* Hey guys...I'm sorry if the updates are slow. I have been really busy with school. So yeah... I'm almost done with this fanfic and I'll tell more about my original story that will be published and still gonna be ongoing here on Wattpad XD *

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