42~The Moonlight Jewel

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Many days passed as the magician noticed a sudden shift of emotion from the detective. 

He pondered as to what made the detective more lively than his usual deadpanned or haughty expression. 

In the end, Kaito wanted to ask the detective about it in person and waited for the right moment when they are alone. 

~ Kaito's POV ~ 

My eyes wandered around the place as I took a side-ward glance at Shinichi, silently sitting beside me as we just finished our final preparations for our take down of the organization. 

( It seems that we're making progress...some of their members seem to have been silently apprehended already by the FBI Agents..which is good. ) 

I remained quiet before I heard a chuckle coming from the detective. 

" What..? Did something happen?" I asked him as his lips curled up. 

" Oh..it's nothing. You're just so out of it today.." He replied as I recalled the events 5hat transpired earlier. 

( Oh..dear..Was it so bad that I tripped and fell flat o the floor for no reason..? I felt like something me me trip...but I didn't notice anything odd..) 

The detective continued to silently smile as I let out a sigh and decided to get a drink for myself.  

"Uumm... Where are you going?" Shinichi asked as he stood up and walked beside me. 

" I'm gonna get something to drink...Do you want some too?" I grinned as I held his hand tightly. 

His face slowly became red as he furrowed his eyebrows with embarrassment. 

" O-of course I do..!" The detective stuttered as I softly smiled.

We both settled ourselves near the back of the building as we continued to rest with our drinks in our hands. 

" Hey..did something happen lately? You seem to be lively nowadays and well- I mean it's not a bad thing. I just wanted to know." I said as I nervously sipped my drink. 

Shinichi looked surprised as he sighed and hang his head low.  

" I don't really now if you will believe me." The detective's face showed a sad smile. 

" Do you really think I would e the type to not listen or believe in you? Me..? Your boyfriend slash partner in crime..?" I questioned him with a raised eyebrow with a self-asserting smirk on my face. 

Shinichi rolled his eyes as he contained his laughter. 

He soon explained in detail about everything that happened for the past few days as I silently listened with fascination. 

" So in short, you became friends with Pandora and it was the one who made me trip..." I said casually as the detective nodded while carefully holding the jewel on his lap. 

" Uhhh...not to make things more complicated but...is Pandora a male or female?" I asked s he looked at me with a clueless expression on his face. 

( I guess he didn't ask about that yet..) 

~ Umm..I'm actually both. ~  

A voice abruptly said which caught me by surprise. 

" Oh, okay then..I guess I can hear you now." I mentioned without even questioning it. 

" Pandora said to me earlier that I have to bring him or her along when we're going to infiltrate the organization." Shinichi mentioned as I tilted my head. 

" Why? Wouldn't that give the organization what they wanted?" I asked the red glowing jewel. 

~ I can see the future and all other types of stuff. Oh, and I know this is only a fanfic that was made because of boredom and shipping purposes and..you guys have plot armor.......so yeah. ~ 

There was an awkward silence before Shinichi cleared is throat. 

" Let's just ignore that...since I think we won't be able to understand what Pandora said..."  

He suggested as we continued to learn more about Pandora and the more we learned about the reason as to why the Black organization desperately wanted the jewel for themselves.

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