5~A tiny problem...

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It has been 3 days after the heist had occured that night, even though it hasn't been that long, all went back to normal as it should have been....all went to normal except for Kaito.
He was zoning out and wasn't his usual cheerful self, which made Aoko very unsettled around him. The day went by as it should have been as Kaito took his bag and went home on his own while doing his tricks absent-mindedly.

~Kaito's POV~
( Why am I like this today?)
My thoughts wandered as I sat on a bench near a park.
I felt drained the whole day and I don't know why...
Something didn't feel right today..

I looked up in the sky, wondering what's wrong with me.
I reminisced about the heist that took place 3 days ago as I took a long sigh.

" Heh, who would've thought I would be so bummed out this much..." I said while I looked at the children playing on the park.

" If only you were there metantei..."

I stood up then continued to go back home...still wondering where metantei-kun was 3 days ago.

~Shinichi's POV~
I sipped some coffee as I waited for Haibara to finish with examining my condition.
She seems to be more cautious than usual, pacing back and forth while occasionally checking the computer that she has been using for quite some time now.

" Haibara, take it easy...you don't give yourself the time to even rest anymore." I said as the shrunken scientist glared at me with bags under her eyes.

" Says the person who keep himself awake until 3 in the morning and breathes coffee in order to survive." She said with a cheeky grin.

" Atleast I can do that, since my body can handle it, unlike a certain someone." I said as she gave me an annoyed glare.

She huffed and continued to work on examining my condition.

( Geez, she is so stubborn.)
I continued to watch her as I heard Agasa talking with someone.
I decided to stay since I didn't want to cause more trouble for Haibara.

" Ok Kudo, you can go now." She said, gesturing me to leave.
" Just be careful Haibara, or else you will get sick." I said as I slowly went upstairs.

When I reached the top of the stairs, I saw the detective boys sitting on the couch while eating and watching some TV. They looked at me, unsure how to introduce themselves.
Thankfully, I took the initiative.

" Hello there." I said politely, showing a smile on my face.

It didn't take long for them to open up more towards me since I already knew their interests at the time when I was Conan. We spent some time together until I eventually had to drop them off to their homes.

After I dropped-off the kids, I made my way through the busy streets to get myself some food to eat. Unfortunately, I was caught up on another case that happened across the street.
A few minutes had passed and I was able to resolve the issue quite easily.
I was not in the mood to play detective or drag the case any longer.

It was already 11:00 pm, the streets became empty and solemn...
It was a refreshing feeling since I never really had any peace and quiet for myself.

" The sky sure is beautiful..." I looked at the night sky in awe the same way that I felt when I met the troublesome magician as Conan.

I quietly sat and pondered on my thoughts when suddenly I saw two men in black clothing.

My sweat dropped and I quickly hid myself behind an alleyway, waiting patiently for them to go away. My heart began to beat at an abnormal rate...as I felt my knees become weak.
I peaked around the corner and saw the two men searching the area for something.

( I have to get out of here..Fast.)
I took my phone and quickly called Haibara.

" Kudo, what are you-"

" I don't have time to explain...all I will say is that they're here.." I said, trying to find the strength to raise my voice.

" Th-they found you..?" She asked, worried what will happen to me.

" No, not yet...I have no way out..sooner or later they will find me.." I started to feel light headed, uncertain what I should do.

" Is there a small exit behind you?"
I turned to my back and saw a small passageway.

" Yes, but I don't think I can fit in it."

" Just try."

I squeezed myself into the passageway and quickly ran as soon as the two men noticed that someone was watching them. I could hear their footsteps behind me.
I hid myself under a container as I desperately tried to catch my breath.

I began to regain my composure. My body started to ease up a little bit as the footsteps slowly faded away. My eyelids started to get heavy as I eventually went unconscious....

~Kaito's POV~
( It's getting late..I should go now)
I can't believe I spent the whole day looking at different costumes.
I guess Aoko was right, I get distracted too easily.

I walked out near an alleyway as I saw two men in black leave the next building.

( Strange. I guess there are still people walking on the streets at this hour...)

I proceeded to leave the alleyway when suddenly I heard a loud groan.
I hastily scanned the place before I found a small pair of hands under a container.

" Huh!?" I shouted as I gazed upon the child that was unconcious underneath the container.

" M-metantei-kun....!?"

I quickly took the battered boy onto my arms as I sprinted back to my place.
I changed his clothes then checked if he had any injuries.
Fortunately, he didn't have any wounds or scratches.

" Thank god, you're alright..." I sighed with relief.

However, there was still something bugging me...

" Why were you under that container, metantei-kun?" I muttered under my breath.

I simply gazed back at my sleeping detective as I carefully stroked his hair, comforting him from whatever nightmare and problems that might have occured to him.

" Sweet dreams, Metantei-kun...."

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