44~The Facilities

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💌 Before anything else....I would like to greet you all a very nice and happy Valentine's Day!!!! 💝💝💝

All of you guys are so amazing!!! Thank you for all the love and support that you guys gave me....I was really surprised when people actually liked this Fanfic..LOL😂

 Again, Thank you and I love ya'll. PEACE!!!!!✌️✌️✌️


The smell of toxic gas and smoke surrounded the room as the shrunken detective took a peek around the spacious room full of glass containers.  

However, one thing caught his eye the most...A peculiar glass container that had metal ornaments around its edges. 

The detective was drawn by it like a magnet as he went closer to it. 

~ Conan's POV ~ 

( What on earth...this place feels different from the other room...) 

" Pandora..is this really the place..?" I whispered weakly while holding the jewel tightly. 

~ Yes....this is the place.... ~ 

Pandora said softly. 

" Is there something I have to do here?" I asked, utterly feeling ridiculous for being worried for the well-being and feelings of a mere jewel. 

~ Yes...the key card is hidden beneath that platform. ~ 

The jewel shined its light as I reached out to it and held the key card in my hands. 

I immediately went back to where I started as I inserted the key card before the entrance opened. 

I hid myself back into the vent when I suddenly fell into another passageway. 

( Aghh...it hurts...I hope they were able to enter into the building safely...) 

I groaned as I sat myself up while Pandora glowed brightly. 

" Are you okay..?" I asked as I put a hand on my head. 

~ I'm literally an object. You don't have to worry about me. ~ 

Pandora said as it let out a chuckle. 

I rolled my eyes as I soon ventured cautiously into a dimmed room. 

~ Shinichi, quickly hide!!! ~ 

The jewel whispered in a panic. 

I covered myself behind a nearby curtain while I slowly looked at the ominous figures passing by. 

( I-it's them...why are they...? ) 

" !!!!!!!!!!!!! " 

A sound soon creaked behind me as all eyes were drawn to the curtain I was hiding in. 

My heart soon sent a shock through out my body as my hands shakily held the jewel near my chest. 

I breathed slowly as I quivered in fear of them firmly approaching the worn out drapery. 

( I-I don't have my tranquilizer....and the mechanisms on my shoes are busted....What do I do...?")  

My mind was blank, finding no solutions for a way out of my predicament. 

I bit my lips as I shut my eyes tightly, embracing the fact that I will be caught. 

( I guess this is the end for me...I'm sorry Pandora....) 

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