29~A Friendly Meet up

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The room was filled with piles of clothing as Kaito stared at Shinichi with a deadpanned expression while the high school detective frantically searched for a decent outfit to wear on a weekend. 

" You know that you can just wear anything that you're comfortable in, right?" The magician said in a mono-toned voice. 

" I know...It's just that I don't really wear any other clothes than my uniform." Shinichi explained sheepishly. 

The magician walked out of the room as he left the detective to decide what to wear. 

~ Kaito's POV ~ 

( I don't know what to do with him....maybe I should help him pick out something...) 

I took a peek at the room as I saw the hopeless detective still troubled  as to what to wear. 

" Hey, how about that one.." I mentioned casually as I pointed at a sky blue t-shirt with a black vest on top of it. 

The detective looked at the wardrobe as he slowly put it on and looked at the mirror at the side of the room. 

I stared at the detective in awe as he wore the clothes with uncertainty. His dark hair shining, complementing his azure-colored eyes and figure. 

( Wow...he looks good in it.) 

" Are you sure this is alright..?" The detective focused his gaze on me with curiosity. 

" You look quite dashing and handsome in that outfit."  

I chuckled as Shinichi's face became red with embarrassment. 

I pulled the detective closer as I gave him a tight embrace. He hugged back  as he softly smiled at me. 

" We should get going now.." He suggested as I nodded in agreement. 

We went to the station together as we saw Hakuba in the distance with someone.   

( Wait..is that the other detective friend that Shinichi greeted that time?) 

I squinted at the figure and was correct when I saw a boy at our age with a dark brown hair and a tanned skin tone. 

" Oi, Kudo-kun!" The boy shouted out.  

" Hattori." Shinichi greeted with a smile on his face. 

Hakuba scoffed as he saw me with the detective. 

" What are you doing here?" The British detective asked with a hint of surprise and annoyance. 

" Nothing. I just wanted to see what you're up to Hakuba." I replied nonchalantly to the annoyed yet composed detective. 

" And how are you acquainted to Kudo-kun?" The British detective continued with a raised eyebrow. 

" We bumped into each other a long time ago and we've continued talking to each other with the Kaito Kid heists." Shinichi explained to Hakuba as a smirk crept on my face at the sight of the pissed off British detective. 

" Oh, I'm sorry. I haven't introduced myself, I'm Kuroba Kaito. I'm an amateur magician." I said to the Osakan detective. 

" Nice to meet ya too. I'm Hattori Heiji." He greeted back in a cheerful manner. 

Hattori and Shinichi chuckled as they noticed the British detective's passive aggressiveness towards me. 

" Anyways...Why are you exactly here Hattori?" Shinichi asked to the boy as I ignored Hakuba's deadly glares. 

" I came here to also help with the case since Hakuba contacted me." Hattori replied as we walked closer to the station. 

( This must be a very difficult and serious case if it needs three detectives with great skills to handle it...) 

" I was just curious but what's the case about?" I stared at Hakuba, curious as to what the case is specifically about and the purpose of Shinichi being here. 

" That is none of your concern. That type of information is only for Hattori and Kudo-kun to know and find out." The British detective spatted out as he dragged the two detectives inside the station and left me outside the front door. 

( Well...this is an interesting predicament I'm in...) 

I sighed as I patiently waited for them to come out. 

( Hmm..what can I do in the mean time..maybe I should scheme something..You'll pay dearly for this Hakuba, leaving me here to wait.) 

The doors finally opened as the detectives walked out. 

" Yo Kudo, I'll be heading off now. You go on and chill here with that magician friend of yours!" Hattori shouted out as he left the both of us. 

I slowly turned my attention to Shinichi while I noticed that he seems to be troubled...and deep in his own thoughts with a sense of uneasiness. 

" The case is difficult?" I questioned the detective, still deep in his thoughts. 

" It's even more worse than that..." He said quietly. 

" Hakuba said that the case is involved with people who wear all black..."  He continued. 

My body shivered at the thought of the organization being involved. 

" Don't worry...we'll be on our guard for anything...unexpected..that might happen." I reassured him as I saw the British detective trip and fall on the floor. 

" Ugh, what the hell..." Hakuba said as he rubbed his back.  

" Uumm...Hakuba...are you alright?" Shinichi asked as we both tried not to laugh. 

Hakuba shot a glare at me before he chased me around the place as Shinichi laughed hysterically at the sight of it. 

( Hehe...I got my revenge, you're always no fun Hakuba but it is fun to mess with you all the time.) 

" I will beat that organization..you'll see." I muttered to myself as I continued to enjoy the moment of being chased by a furious Hakuba. 

( I wonder...if they might appear again...to finish the job..that they didn't succeed in doing a long time ago..)


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