The Mission

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I sighed as I looked over all the corpses sprawled over the floor.

"Hello Josh I need the chopper" I said through my comms.

I made my way outside the small SHIELD base and heard a loud sound, looking up to see a black chopper land in front of me. I strutted to the helicopter, my heels clicking against the concrete ground.

"How did the mission go?" Josh asked as I entered the chopper. I sighed and looked at him.

"As it should have" I replied blankly.

Josh was your pick up for each mission and each time he tried being social, it was sweet but not necessary, nor wanted. He sighed in response to my empty answer and took the hint, continuing the trip in blissful silence.

Once I arrived at HYDRA's headquarters I made my way to the heart of the lab where I knew Strucker would be.

I strutted in and saw him standing and taking to another agent.

"Heads up" I interrupted, throwing the USB at him, which he caught with ease.

"All the information needed is in that drive" I said emotionlessly.

"Thank you agent (L/n), marvellous job as always" he said smiling, to which I nodded curtly and headed for the door.

"Not so fast agent, I have another mission for you" I sighed and turned to the man with a raised eyebrow.

"And that is?" I asked.

"What you were made for" was all he said, though I knew exactly what he meant. It was time to complete the one mission I was designed for.

"Very well, when do I start?" I smirked.

"You leave tomorrow. Spend the rest of the day preparing everything you will need" he informed me. I nodded and headed to the door.

"I expect you know the consequences if you fail agent (L/n)" he said sternly, causing me to freeze slightly. I turned towards him with a smirk.

"Why of course. How could I forget" I said firmly and subconsciously ran a finger over my stomach.

"Very good. Now leave and prepare" he replied, shooing me out of his sight.

I sighed and left to start gathering all my needed tools and train a bit before the big mission. To kill The Avengers.

I know this is short but I kind of wanted to separate your HYDRA chapter from the mission and meeting The Avengers. Hope you enjoyed.
~ A. G

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