Family (Bonus Chapter)

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"Hmmmm what's for dinner?" Tony asked happily, hugging my waist from behind and placing his head on my shoulder.

"(Favourite meal)" I smiled and he fist pumped the air.

"Yes, my favourite"  I laughed at his childish actions.

"Dinners ready. Can you get Pietro for me?" I asked, kissing his cheek and getting plates and cutlery on the table.

He nodded and left the room, going outside to get our son. I took this time to admire our cute wooden cabin.

After we got married Tony kept his promise and built a cabin in the forest, "perfect for our future children" is what he always said, guess he was right" I thought happily. I then heard thundering footsteps coming inside and braced myself.

"Mummy" he squealed but Tony got him first and started tickling him.

"I got you" he said in a monster voice, peppering his face with kisses. I laughed and shook my head, walking over and "saving him", picking out son up.

"Are you okay sweetheart? Did the mean monster hurt you?" I asked and Tony glared, making me snicker.

He nodded, his longish brown hair going in his (e/c) eyes. There was then a knocking at the door. I put Pietro down and walked over, unlocking it. 

"Hey Wanda, Vision, glad you could make it" I smiled and hugged them both, moving aside so they could come in. Pietro got so excited that he ran up and knocked me out of the way.

"Pietro Howard Stark" I laughed and watched him embrace Wanda and Vision.

"Sorry mummy, I didn't mean to" he said worried but I just laughed and kissed his head.

"It's okay darling, now let's go eat" I smiled and walked to the table, everyone following behind. I sat next to Tony and Pietro, Wanda and Vision across from us.

"So how's travelling going?" I asked the couple.

"Good, I am learning more and more about humans" Vision said happily and I nodded.

"That's good" I smiled.

Timeskip to later in the evening.

I smiled as Tony and Vision were talking and Wanda was playing with Pietro.

"No time like the present" I sighed nervously and cleared my throat, gaining everyone's attention.

"I have something I'd like to say. There was a reason why your here and it's because..." I paused looking at Tony and smiling widely.

"I'm pregnant" I said. Tony's eyes widened and he jumped up, smiling, and ran to me. He lifted me up, spinning me in a circle.

"I'm glad your happy" I laughed and he kissed my forehead, resting his on mine.

"Of course I'm happy, I get another child with the woman I love" He smiled lovingly and I returned the gesture, kissing him gently. I broke apart and Wanda came over.

"I'm so happy for you" she smiled. Vision went over and bro hugged Tony.

"I can't wait to be an Aunty for two" she smiled and I nodded, she then broke off and hugged Tony.

"Congratulations (Y/n), Tony" Vision said hugging me.

"Thank you both" I smiled and Tony nodded in agreement.

"Mummy what does that mean?" Pietro asked and I smiled, bending down in front of him.

"It means you'll have a brother or sister in 9 months" you smiled and he started jumping up in excitement.

"Is it a girl? Can it be a girl please, I want a sister?" He asked hopefully and I laughed.

"I'm afraid it doesn't work that way darling" he pouted but still kept jumping around.

Timeskip to 9 months later

I stared at the freshly cleaned baby in my arms, smiling.

"She's beautiful" I sighed, gazing into her chocolate brown eyes.

"Not as beautiful as you darling" Tony smiled, kissing my forehead.

"I just gave birth, wouldn't say I look the best" I said snickering.

"You are to me" he smiled and I returned the gesture.

"Thank you" I smiled, pecking his lips.

"So what's her name?" He asked and I looked into her eyes again. I smiled at Tony and kissed his cheek, handing the baby to him so he could hold her.

"I was thinking Maria (m/n) Stark"

That's the end of the bonus chapter, I hope you liked it. Bye bye.
~ A. G

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