The Interrogation

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"Owwww" I awoke to a pain in my head.

I opened my eyes to see I was in a glass cell, each of the Avengers surrounding me. I also noticed my hands and feet were tied to a chair.

"Question. If I'm in a cell why tie me up?" I asked confused.

"Just a safety precaution" Steve replied.

"Right, fair point. Your all looking great by the way" I smirked and they all sighed.

"Another question. How did you knock me out?" I asked.

"New sedative I've been working on" Banned informed and I nodded in response

"Oh one last question" they all sighed again. "How long have I been out?"

"A few days. We kept applying the sedative" Banner explained. I stared at them. Fuck.

"Oh great, well can we please just skip the interrogation thing and kill me please" I said seriously which shocked and confused them.

"What? Hydra will eventually find and kill me and I'd rather not give them that satisfaction" I stated logically.

"You don't support Hydra?" Clint asked confused. I just scoffed.

"Oh yeah I support the people that have tortured me for the past 25 years" I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes.

"What's your name?" Steve asked.

I contemplated telling them as it's supposed to be classified information but considering I'm most likely going to die anyway might as well tell them.

"(Y/n) (L/n)" I answered.

"How did you start working with HYDRA?" Thor asked curiously.

"Well I'm going to die anyway so might as well tell you. My dear loving and caring father sold me to them for experimentation" they all had a look of sympathy on their faces.

"You won't die" Nat said in a tone of certainty and I just rolled my eyes. They don't know Hydra like I do. If I'm not back within a week they'll send people after me and make sure I'm killed. They will think I've betrayed them since I haven't returned.

"What happened after that?" Steve asked and I chuckled.

"Why I'm glad you asked Steve, it's because of your dear friend Bucky. When the Winter Solider left Hydra they were furious. Strucker decided to take matters into his own hands and use the power of Loki's septer to conduct human experimentations, trying to make advanced humans, or monsters in other terms" I explained.

"What actually are your abilities?" Clint asked.

"Well I'm a trained assassin, like Natty. But on top of that I am a super soldier" I stated.

Steves eyes widened while Nat glared at me after giving her the nickname, I chuckled a little.

"How old are you?" Thor asked.

"Hey pal that's a personal question" I said offended, shocking him a little.

"Kidding. I'm 35" they all looked surprised and I sighed.

"But you act like a child" Tony stated confused.

"And you don't?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Ok fair point" he sighed. "Also I have a question for you. How did you shut off JARVIS.?"

"Well while working for Hydra I became very skilled in the art that is the digital world, and science. I'd say I'm on par with you Iron Boy, and Banner" I smirked. He just laughed which turned into a glare.

"I highly doubt that sweetheart and don't call me 'Iron Boy'" I just chuckled and shrugged it off.

"Did you get him back up and running by the way?" I asked.

"Yep, your disabling wasn't the best" he smirked.

"Well I only needed him out for a few hours Tin Can, I didn't exactly plan to be knocked out and end up your prisoner" I snapped matter-o-factly. He once again glared at me.

"Is there any information you can give us on Strucker and his experiments?" Steve asked and I chuckled.

"You know I've been pretty nice by answering all your questions so I have one. Can I have these ropes removed? They hurt" I smiled innocently.

"I suppose so but-" before Steve could finish talking I let the already cut ropes around my wrists fall to the ground, moving down to take them off my legs.

"Clever. While we were distracting you with questions you were busy cutting the ropes" Nat stated. I nodded and chuckled at their confused faces.

"What? I'm a trained assassin, you think I haven't done this like a million times before?" I smirked.

"One final request. I need you to confirm that I'll be let free so I can run from Hydra" I said in a serious tone.

"Actually about that" I saw a new man with an eye-patch walked into the room. Nick Fury.

"I'll give you a better deal, join the Avengers and put your skills to good use" he said in a casual but serious tone. I laughed hard, tears escaping my eyes. I calmed myself and looked the man in the eyes, well, eye.

"Y-you want me to join you? I tried to kill your precious Avengers. Why would you want me on your team?" I asked through giggles.

"You know what they say, 'Keep your friends close and your enemies closer'" Fury smirked. I thought about his offer. I could finally be free of Hydra, get my life back and change my purpose.

"Judging by the silence I'm assuming your going to accept" the man stated and I sighed, blowing a piece of hair out of my eyes. (If not possible then ignore). 

"Do I get my own room?" I smirked.

"You have full access to the tower" Tony said, though I could tell he wasn't 100% happy about this.

"Very well I'll take you up on your offer. Got nothing to lose anyway" I shrugged and stood up, walking to the door of the cell.

"Care to let me out, Tin Can?" I smiled innocently. He rolled his eyes at my nickname and unlocked the cell.

"You can have some time to get sorted then we'll need you in the mission briefing room for some more information" Steve informed and I nodded.

"If you need anything just ask JARVIS or Nat, who will be keeping an eye on you, just a safety precaution" Tony informed with a smirk. It was kinda hot. I nodded and turned to Nat.

"Shall we Natty?" I smirked and she rolled her eyes.

"Don't call me Natty, (annoying nickname)" she smirked and I frowned.

"Ok that was a fair blow, let's go. JARVIS, Where is my room?" I asked the A.I.

"The same floor as Miss Romanoff's, floor 40 (again I don't know floors) Miss (L/n)" the robotic voice informed.

"Thank you. Also sorry for disabling you. No hard feelings right?" I said, staring at the ceiling as if I was looking at him.

"Of course not Miss (L/n)" he replied. I smiled and headed to the lift. Preparing myself for becoming an Avenger.

That's the end of the chapter. I'm sorry if it shit but my writing isn't the best. Still, I hope you enjoyed.
~ A. G

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