One Hell of A Party

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*Your outfit - unless you wanna change it*

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*Your outfit - unless you wanna change it*

"Ooohhhh what about this?" Nat asked holing up a red floor length dress. I just shook my head and sighed.

"Why do I have to dress up?" I groaned, flopping onto my bed.

"Because your an Avenger now which includes these parties" she stated throwing you a short black dress and black platforms (ones above).

I sighed and went to the bathroom to change. I stated at myself in the mirror in disbelief, I never thought I could look that pretty.

I did some final touches on my makeup, did my hair in a messy bun and put jewellery on.

I smiled with a whole new confidence and walked out, strutting a little, making Nat whistle.

"Thanks" I laughed.

"Let's get this over with" I stated and she nodded, linking arms with me.

Nat and I walked down the stairs to the party, all eyes on us, it made me feel a little uncomfortable. I looked to my right and saw Tony staring, making me blush a little.

Tony's POV

I was sipping my whiskey while talking with Bruce when I saw (Y/n) and Nat walk down the stairs.

My mouth hung open at little at how beautiful (Y/n) looked, I've never seen someone so stunning in my life, and that says a lot.

She noticed I was staring because she started blushing, making me look away and go back to talking with Bruce.

(Y/n)'s POV

I saw Bruce and Tony talking and made my way over, smiling.

"Hey guys" I smiled.

"Hey (Y/n), your looking lovely" Bruce said, hugging me.

"Yes I agree, you look amazing" Tony smirked making me roll my eyes.

"Thank you, your both looking lovely too" I smiled.

"Soo are there any updates on the program Tony? I know you were there before" I asked quietly.

"No, nothing. I don't get what we've done wrong" he sighed.

"Strange, JARVIS should have been able to integrate it by now" Bruce said and I shrugged.

"Well I'm going to get a drink because I haven't slept in at least 42 hours" I sighed walking over to the bar. 

"Wait up" Tony said, following. I sat on a stool.

Trust Is Key Tony Stark x Female Reader (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now