Barton Household

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I awoke with a scream, my whole body trembling.

"(Y/n), hey it's alright calm down" Tony said, rubbing my arms and trying to calm me down.

I came back to my senses and saw everyone huddling around me, all looking concerned and worried.

"W-here a-re we?" I asked, my voice and throat dry.

"Quintet, we're heading to a safe house" Clint informed from the cockpit. I nodded and grabbed the water Nat gave me.

"Are you alright?" She asked, though I could tell she was pretty dazed too, everyone was.

"Did Wanda get to you all too?" I asked, still a little out of it.

"Yeah, well Clint didn't, she put memories in our heads, horrible visions" Tony said, falling back into his mind a little, obviously thinking about what he saw.

"I-I can't believe she-I just never thought she'd do that to me" I said, a tear slipping down my cheek at the thought of her harming me.

"I'm sorry (Y/n)" Nat said, hugging me.

Timeskip to Clint's house

I looked out the window as we were landing and saw a cute cottage house with nice fields and trees.

"Are you okay to stand?" Tony asked.

I nodded and stood up, however my legs were weak and I was still in my head a little so I tripped. He caught me and sighed.

"I'll take that as a no" he said and helped me to the house, Clint doing the same with Nat.

"What is this place?" Thor asked.

"Safe house" Tony replied. Clint opened the door and lead us in.

"Honey? I'm home" Clint announced.

A pregnant woman then came into the room, she had longish brown hair and was absolutely beautiful.

"I have company, sorry I didn't call ahead" he said, kissing the woman.

"This is an agent of some kind" Tony said to Thor and I snorted, hurting my head a little.

"Gentlemen, (Y/n), this is Laura" I smiled and waved slightly, trying not to unbalance myself.

"I'm back to give you another dose brat" List said, holding another syringe.

Eighteen year old me gulped and shook her vigorously.

"No please don't, please" she cried, pleading for the man to stop, trying to move out of her restraints.

"Please I'll do anything just don't inject me again!" She cried louder.

"I don't care" he spat, turning on a tape recorded. "This is day 730, injection 34, increasing serum injection by 200, hopefully this amount will dilute into her bloodstream, creating our first super solider since Captain America" he said, holding the machine up to his mouth.

He then put the recorder down and turned to her, holding the syringe and injecting the girl.

I felt the searing pain under my skin again, this time worse then the others, I saw my veins turn blue as the serum flowed through my blood, mixing with my DNA. I noticed my thin, scrawny body start to buff out a little, giving me an "ideal shape", not to fat but not to skinny. The scientists stood to the side watching in shock.

Trust Is Key Tony Stark x Female Reader (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now