Hi There

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"Ready to go agent?" Josh asked as I got into the jet.

"As I'll ever be" I smirked towards the brunette and sat in my seat, looking over files and running through my game plan.

First move is to immobilise the towers security system and Starks A.I., JARVIS.

Then I'll sneak into the first floor and knock out anyone in sight, though from the looks of the layout it should only be a receptionist or two so it won't be to difficult.

Then I'll simply catch the elevator up to their main room which is on floor 34 (I don't actually know what floor it's on so just roll with it) and put a surprise attack on them. Then after that I'll simply kill them all.

"We're at the drop off site agent. Good luck" Josh said through the coms in the jet.

"Thanks" I said blankly, gathering my stuff and jumped out, taking my jet black motorcycle with me. The drop off point is just outside the city, which is a long enough distance to go unnoticed.

I started making my way through the busy streets of New York. I felt the breeze brush against my suit, it was quite therapeutic. I watched all the people scrambling around in a hurry trying to complete their days, if only they knew how easy their lives were compared to others such as mine.

I eventually made it to the trees just surrounding the tower. I pulled out my laptop and started disabling JARVIS.

"Disabling complete" a robotic voice informed, notifying me the job was done. I then snuck my way to the front of the tower.

"Hold it right there. Who are you?" A security guard said from behind me. I sighed and turned to the man.

"Look we can do this the easy way, where you put down your gun and let me through. Or, you can fire and regret it. Which will it be?" I said calmly. The man just scoffed and fired his gun, which I easily dodged and sighed.

"Hard way it is"

And with that I ran towards the man sliding under his legs and hitting his prized possessions, causing him to double over in pain. Taking my shot I got the butt of my gun and hit his face hard, knocking him unconscious. I walked through the front doors and saw a receptionist with brown hair, which was Jessica, as displayed on her badge and a lady with strawberry blonde hair, who I knew as Pepper Potts, Tony Stark's assistant.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" Pepper asked firmly.

"So many questions. Look I don't want to kill any of you though I have a mission so don't take this personally ladies" I said.

Then taking two throwing knives from my pockets and watched as they sliced through the air, impaling Pepper and Jessica's hand, though in the correct placing to not do any damage.

I walked towards Jessica and sprayed knock out gas, sending the girl into a peaceful sleep. I removed the knife and put it back into my side pocket.

"Who are you and why aren't you killing us? You have guns" Pepper asked confused, and in pain from the knife in her hand, though still remaining serious.

"The name is classified and as for why I'm not killing you, your simply not my mission" I smirked and dodged the knife she had taken from her hand and threw at me, following its track.

"Not a bad shot Peppy" I said with a nod of approval.

"Shut up, and don't call me Peppy" she said firmly.

"Very well then Pep. While this conversation has been fun I'm running out of time so nighty night" I smirked and gave a small wave, sending a sleeping gas grenade at her feet. I walked past as it went off, covering my face and saw her pass out.

I walked into the elevator and hit the my destination, waiting patiently.

I heard a 'ping' and then the doors opened to a startled group of hero's.

"Hi there" I smirked and saluted to the group, ready to pounce.

End of chapter. I hope you liked it.
~ A. G

Trust Is Key Tony Stark x Female Reader (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now