Vibranium and Bad Memories

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I walked into the room where the Avengers were waiting and saw Thor holding a tablet.

"Hey guys sorry I'm late, what's up?" I asked, moving next to the God of Thunder.

"What's this?" Tony asked.

"A message" Steve said and Thor shoved the tablet into Tony's chest.

"Ultron killed Strucker" Steve stayed, referring to an image of Struckers corpse with the word 'Peace' written in his blood.

"Damn I wanted to be the one" I muttered.

"And he did a Banksy at the crime scene just for us" Tony said humorously.

"This is a smoke screen. Why send a message when you've just given a speech" Nat said.

"Strucker knew something that Ultron wanted us to miss" Steve said.

"And I bet he- yep, everything we had on Struckers been erased" Nat sighed.

"Not everything" I smirked making them all confused.

"You have me, I worked with him for the majority of my life" I informed.

"(Y/n)'s right" Bruce said.

"Can you think of anything Ultron would want us to miss?" Steve asked.

I thought for a minute, running over everything I have on him when it clicked.

"Ulysses Klaue" I said.

"Met the guy once, gotta say I'm not a fan" I said, showing them a picture of the guy.

"Wait I know that guy" Tony said.

"From back in the day he operates off the African coast. Black market arms" this information made Steve glare at him.

"There are conventions, meet people, I didn't actually sell him anything. He was talking about finding something new, a game changer" Tony informed.

"Vibranium" I said, crossing my arms.

"Whats this?" Thor said pointing to the picture of Klaue.

"Uh it's a tattoo, I don't think he had it" Tony said.

"No those are tattoos, this is a brand" Thor corrected, pointing to a scar on the mans neck.

"It's a brand of Wakanda, its a general translation for theif, though a lot worse. He smuggled Vibranium out and sells it to the highest bidders" I informed.

"Whats Vibranium?" Bruce asked.

"The strongest metal on Earth" Tony and I said in unison, looking at Caps shield.

"Where is this guy now?" Steve asked me.

"Churchill Great Britain ship, South Africa" I informed.

Timeskip to boat

"Aw junior your gonna break ya old mans heart" Tony sighed sarcastically. I snickered and looked at the twins.

"If I have to" Ultron replied.

"Nobody has to break anything" Thor said, trying to reason.

"Clearly you've never made an omelette" Ultron replied.

"He beat me by one second" Tony said making me laugh airily.

"Ahhh it iz funnay Mr. Stark, zhiz vork comfortable, like old timez" Pietro said, looking at the missiles.

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