Beginning of Ultron

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(Y/n)'s POV

Once we landed at Avengers Tower I watched Dr. Cho and her team race Clint inside.

While the others followed I went to the bar and poured a whiskey. I stared into the brown liquid, still thinking about the sceptre.

"What was that about? I felt so.... I don't know, connected" I thought.

This was really confusing me and it's clouded my mind. I down my drink and decided to see the others, hopefully it will get my mind off things.

I stood in the room next to Nat and watched Clint.

I then saw Tony move towards the sceptre and decided to go and join him.

"What's it made of?" I asked, surprising Tony.

"Don't know. JARVIS update me on the structural and compositional analysis" he asked his A.I.

"The sceptre is alien. There are elements I can't quantify" the robotic voice informed.

"So there's components you can?" Tony asked eagerly.

"The jewel appears to be a protective housing for something inside. Something powerful" JARVIS said.

"Like a reactor?" I asked, walking over to Tony.

"Like a computer, I believe a deciphered code" The A.I informed. I nodded and grabbed the cup tray from Tony.

"Let me" I smiled, walking towards the lab Clint's in. He smiled and followed suit.

"Oh he's flatlining, call it, time" Tony replied sarcastically to Dr. Cho's analysis. I laughed and placed the cup tray on the table, handing one to Clint.

"No no no I'm gonna live forever ha ha" Clint said amused. "I'ma be made of plastic."

"Like a barbie doll" I smirked. Tony, Nat and Dr. Cho chuckled along with me.

"You'll be made of you Mr. Barton, your own girlfriend won't be able to tell the difference" Dr. Cho said amused.

"Oh I don't have a girlfriend" Clint said.

"That I can't fix" she said walking off. I chuckled.

"This is the next thing Tony, your clunky metal suits are gonna be left in the dust" She said proudly, doing something on her tablet.

"That is exactly the plan" he said. "And Helen I expect to see you at the party on Saturday."

"Unlike you I don't have a lot of time for parties" she said smugly and I snickered.

"Will... Thor... be there?" She asked. Of course she has a thing for the God of Thunder.

I then saw Banner and Tony leave so I followed.

"What's the ruckus?" Banner asked.

"Well, the sceptre, you see we were wondering how Strucker got so inventive, so I've been analysing the gem, inside you may recognise" he said, pulling up a hologram of JARVIS.

"JARVIS" Banner and I said, nodding at the program.

"Dr., Miss (L/n)" he responded.

"Started out JARVIS was just a natural A.I now he runs the Iron Legion, he runs more of the business then anyone besides Pepper" he informed.

My heart pulled a little at the sound of her name but I don't understand why.

"Alright" Banner said.

"Top of the line" Tony said.

"I suspect not for long" JARVIS said.

"Meet the competition" Tony said, pulling up another hologram, this one was blue and extremely advanced.

"It's beautiful" Banner said breathlessly.

"Is it..?" I asked bewildered.

"Thinking? Yeah" Tony said.

"I mean this could be, it's not a human mind but I mean look at this, their like neurones firing" Banner explained, still amazed.

"Down in Struckers lab (Y/n) and I saw something, truely advanced robotic work" Tony said.

"Of course!" I said, remembering something.

"What?" Banner asked.

"Strucker mentioned something about having the equipment to make artificial life. He must have been talking about the sceptre" I sighed, looking at the advanced blue program.

"Artificial intelligence" Banner repeated.

"This could be it Bruce. This could be the key to creating Ultron" Tony whispered and I stared at the men confused.

"I thought Ultron was a fantasy" Banner said.

"Yesterday it was, if we can harness this power, apply it to my Iron Legion protocol" Tony said, trying to convince him.

"That's a mad sized if" Banner stated.

"Our job is if. What if you were sippin margaritas on a sun drenched beach turning brown instead of green" Tony said, following Banner. "Not lookin over your shoulder for Veronica."

"Tony I helped design Veronica" Banner sighed.

"What's Ultron though?" I thought confused. "I'll ask when their done."

"I see a suit of armour around the world" Tony said.

"Sounds like a cold world Tony" Banner said.

"I've seen colder" he retorted.

"Okay can someone please tell me what this Ultron is because I'm really confused?" I asked, raising my hand to get their attention. The men turned to me.

"I honestly forgot you were here" Tony smirked.

"Asshole" I muttered.

"Seriously though, what's Ultron?" I asked again.

"None of your-" Tony was cut off by Banner.

"A protocol in place to help protect the planet" he informed and I nodded.

"So basically your creating artificial intelligence on a large scale to protect Earth?" I asked and they nodded.

"Awesome, I'm in" I stated, hopping of my seat I was previously on and walked over to them.

"When do we start?" I asked.

"We" he emphasised, pointing to himself, Bruce and I.

"Are not doing anything. We" he gestured to himself and Bruce.

"Are. I don't want you medaling in something you don't understand" he stated and I scoffed.

"I have a brain ya know? I understand this stuff, they burned it into me" I said, folding my hands over my chest and glaring at him.

"I want to help" I stated.

"And I-" Tony was once again cut off by Banner.

"She can help, we'll need all the help we can get if we are to do this in three days" he stated, holding his hand out.

"Welcome to the team" he smiled, I returned the gesture and shook his hand.

"Thanks Bruce" He shook his head.

"No problem" He smiled.

"So when do we start?" I asked enthusiastically, rubbing my hands together.

"Right now" Tony informed.

Trust Is Key Tony Stark x Female Reader (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now