Beginning of War

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I was in the weapons room grabbing some more guns and throwing knives when Wanda and Pietro came in.

"(Y/n)" Wanda smiled.

I looked at her and gave a weary smile, nodding towards them. I don't know how to feel after what she did to me, the memories I tried repressing for years came up in one attack and it breaks me to know she's the reason why.

"(Y/n) pleaze, I'm zorry about vhat I did" she said on the brink of tears.

I sighed and turned to her, holding my arms out for a hug. She ran into my arms and released her tears.

"I forgive you darling, however I'm just- you bought back a lot of memories I would rather forget" I said to her, patting her head.

"I-I'm zorry" she said and I sighed, wiping her tears.

"It's fine" I can't stay mad at her, she's like a daughter to me. I then turned to Pietro and smirked.

"Hey kiddo, got a hug for me?" I asked. He ran over, normal speed, and squeezed me tight.

"Sorry about hitting you with a pole" I apologised and he laughed.

"I'll forgive zou" he smiled and I ruffled his hair.

"It's good to have you both back" I smiled and let a few tears slipped.

"Now let's get our shit and go because we only have three minutes and I don't feel like getting yelled at by Capsicle" I said clapping my hands together and laughing, grabbing my stuff and walking to the door.

"See you on the jet" I then left.

Timeskip to being in the Quinjet

"Ultron knows we're coming, odds are we'll be riding into heavy fire, but that's what we sighed up for, but the people of Sokovia, they didn't so our priority is getting them out. All they want is to live their lives in peace, and that's just gonna happen today but we can do our best to protect them and we can get the job done, we find out what Ultron's been building, we find Romanoff, and we clear the field, keep the fight between us. Ultron thinks we're monsters, that were what's wrong with the world. This is not just about beating him, it's about whether he's right" Steve finished him monologue.

"Aye aye Capsicle" I responded, trying to lighten the mood.

Timeskip to Sokovia

I watched over the people with Steve, helping them evacuate when robots started crawling up the bridge, flying around and attacking us.

"Game time" I smirked, cracking my knuckles. I got my machine gun and started firing down robots.

"Go!" Steve yelled at the people while using his shield to protect himself from a blast.

I shot the robot that attacked him and smiled, going back to taking down Ultron's army. I jumped on the back of one, and snapped its neck using my strength, causing some sparks to fly.

"Thanks (Y/n)" Steve smiled and I nodded in response.

"No problemo" I then saw two robots going for the people.

"Cap! Sheild!" I yelled and he threw it at me which I caught and flung at the two robots, destroying them. Cap then used the magnets on his suit to call it back. I ran up and high fived him.

"Good team work" I smiled brightly, adrenaline pumping through my veins.

Suddenly the ground started to rumble and split. I skidded to a halt as the bridge broke and looked down, confused.

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