Another Mission

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I awoke to the sound of birds chirping and a cool breeze nipping at my exposed skin. I sat up and yawned, contemplating whether I should go to breakfast with everyone or not.

At that moment my stomach growled, I remembered I never ate anything yesterday. I sighed and got up, getting changed into black leggings and a (band name) T-shirt with grey, fluffy socks.

I went to the elevator and hit the floor to the common area/ kitchen. I got lost in my thoughts, only being bought out of them by the 'ping' of the elevator. Everyone was sitting at the table and looked at me when I walked into the kitchen.

"Morning (Y/n). How'd you sleep?" Nat asked happily, I smiled a little and waved.

"Hey Nat, fine I guess" I got my cup of coffee and started making my way back up to my room.

"Come sit" she insisted. I turned to her and gave a 'I don't want to' look.

She returned the look with a 'Please' look and a pout. I sighed and made my way over to the spare seat next to her, placing my coffee on the table.

"Happy?" I mumbled grumpily.

"Very" she smirked, nudging my shoulder. I let a little smile escape my lips and nudged her back.

"Wow I don't think I've ever seen Nat this happy, and I'm her best friend" Clint said, causing everyone to laugh, I smiled.

"Now you have competition" Nat said smirking. I gave her a shocked look.

"What?" she asked confused. I shook my head and had a sip of my coffee.

"I've just never really had friends before, the only people I've ever been close too are the twins" I sighed, looking at the brown liquid in my cup.

"Well now you have us" Steve smiled. I looked up at everyone to see them smiling happily at me, even Tony. I returned the happy gesture.

"Thanks, It means a lot" after that I started conversing with everyone, all enjoying our time until we have to go into battle.

Time skip to mission briefing

"Ok so the final plan is as follows:
Clint you will fly the Quinjet to the base, dropping us off a few kilometres away as to not give our presence away" Clint nodded at his instructions.

"Excellent. Then Nat will unload the Jeep and drive everyone in close" Nat agreed with her part.

"We shouldn't need a code green Banner but be on stand by" Bruce reluctantly nodded.

"Tony and (Y/n) will fly in and sort out problems at the base while the rest of us take out the people on the battle front" I nodded in agreement.

"How is (Y/n) supposed to fly though?" Tony asked.

"My boots are anti gravity" I stated. (Like the ones Cane has from Jupiter Ascending - if you haven't seen then watch, it's so good)

"Okay" he nodded.

"Alright. Everyone suit up and meet at the Quinjet" Steve said. Everyone nodded and left to get changed.

Time skip to getting changed in your room

Time skip to getting changed in your room

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