I Love You

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Steve, Thor and I were working together to defeat the robots. At one point Steve bounced his shield and Thor hit it with the Mjölnir, sending it flying threw a bunch of robots. I jumped up and grabbed two, throwing them at a gas truck, making it explode.

"Whoopsie" I flinched. I then saw Ultron fly off with Thor.

"Thor!" I yelled.

"(Y/n), you know what to do!" He yelled leaving me confused.

I then realised what he meant and smirked, holding my hand out and waiting for the Mjölnir to come to me, which it did.

I then started running around smashing robots left, right and centre, feeling more triumphant then ever.

"This feels awesome!" I yelled excitedly, still smashing robots.

"Alright were all clear here" Clint said over the comms.

"We are not clear, we are defiantly not clear" Steve said while pushing his shield into a robot.

"Cap! Hold the shield up!" I yelled, running over to him.

He held his shield up and I hit it with the Mjölnir, creating a current of lightning that hit a few robots.

"Your good with that thing, I can see how your worthy" he smiled and I returned the gesture.

I then felt it start tugging out of my hand and realised Thor needed it so I let go and watched it fly into the distance.

"Thanks Cap" I said happily and we went back to fighting with my guns and knives.

I saw that Nat needed help and started running.

"Romanoff!" Steve yelled, throwing his shield at a robot.

"The next waves gonna hit any minute what have you got Stark?" Steve asked.

"Well nothing great, maybe a way to blow up the city. That'll keep it from impacting the surface if you guys can get it clear" he sighed in defeat.

"I asked for a solution not an escape plan" Steve said.

"Impact radius is getting bigger every second. We're gonna have to make a choice" he sighed.

"Cap these people are going nowhere" Nat said, standing next to Steve and I. "If Stark finds a way to blow up this rock."

"Not till everyone's safe" Steve said.

"Everyone up here versus everyone down there? There's no math there" I said, trying to reason.

"We're not leaving this rock with one civilian on it" he said sternly.

"I didn't say we should leave" I smiled at him.

"There's worse ways to go" Nat said and we looked out at the clouds. "Where else am I going to get a view like this."

"I agree" I smiled. "It'll end my path to redemption perfectly."

"Glad you like the view Romanoff, (L/n), it's about to get better" I heard a familiar voice say.

"Fury?" I asked confused.

"The one and only" he replied. That's when a SHIELD Helicarrier came into view.

"Nice right? I pulled her out of mothballs with a couple of friends, she's dusty but she'll do" Fury informed.

"Fury you son of a bitch" Steve sighed happily.

Trust Is Key Tony Stark x Female Reader (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now