The Fight

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Who are you?" Steve asked sternly.

"Now now Cap I'm sure you know that information is classified" I smirked to the super soldier.

"Gotta say, I'm a huge fan, it's a shame I have to kill you all" I smiled wickedly.

"Who sent you?" Tony asked.

"You really can't guess? Wow and I though your were a genius" I smirked, making him growl as a response.

"Oh? Did I hit a nerve?" I teased, giggling a little at his pissed reaction.

"Hydra?" Steve asked.

"There we go, someone got it" I clapped and chuckled at my own actions. While talking I was also analysing the situation.

Tony will be easy to take out without his suit and JARVIS. I can just hit him with the butt of my gun.

Steve should fall with a few throwing knives and a gun shot to the stomach.

Banner should be fine as long as Hulk doesn't come out, then there will be some issues. I can inject him with that super strong sedative. 

Clint would fall with a simple knock out taser knife, my own creation.

Nat will be harder as our skills are matched so it will be more of a challenge.

As for Thor, I'll just wing it.

"So then, do I bother asking which path to take or automatically go the hard way?" I asked in amusement. Cap threw his shield at me which I caught with ease.

"Guess it's the hard way" I threw Caps shield at him, though he caught it and threw it back.

I swiftly dodged and threw three throwing knives in his direction, one hitting his arm while the other two hit his stomach, causing the super soldier to stumble back a little. I then pulled out a gun and shot his stomach.

"Steve!" Nat yelled as she went over to him, so did Thor. One down. Tony was next to approach me. This will be easy.

"You know gorgeous your gonna pay for that" he said angrily.

"Oh really? From you or Iron Man? Where's JARVIS by the way?" I smirked which just made him angrier.

"You disabled him" He said through gritted teeth.

"Maybe~" I cooed in a mocking tone.

He ran at me, trying to land a punch to the face. I did a similar move from the guard earlier and slid under his legs, knocking his legs from underneath him and hit the back of his neck with the butt of my gun, knocking him out. Two down.

"Who's next" I smirked looking at the Avengers.

Steve was still alive as I didn't hit any vital organs or anything majorly important, Nat and Thor were looking after him and Tony was knocked out.

I noticed Banners skin starting to pulse green so I quickly ran towards him and injected him with the sleeping sedative. Three down.

I then saw an arrow heading towards me so I turned around and caught it, throwing it back at Clint, though he dodged.

"Don't you know it's rude to throw an arrow while someone's busy" I said sarcastically.

"Don't you know it's rude to break into someone's house and try to kill them" he replied with the same tone.

"Touché" I nodded towards him.

I then grabbed a few of the taser knives and threw them at Clint, hitting his stomach and sending a strong electrical pulse through his system, knocking him out. Four down. Now all that was left was Nat and Thor.

"You know your very skilled. Though you haven't fought me yet" Nat smirked and started running towards me.

She flung her leg at me which I caught and deflected, she then punched my stomach, sending me back a little. We kept going, matching each other's skills and strength. She then landed a surprise punch to my face. I wiped the blood away with one hand and laughed.

"Not bad, your the only person to get a hit to my face. I'm impressed. Though I wouldn't expect any less from the famous Natasha Romanoff" I smirked.

"You know your a formidable fighter. It's a shame your our enemy" she smirked making me scoff.

"Yes, a real shame" I said sarcastically.

"Though you should pay more attention to your surroundings" she smirked then suddenly everything went black.

Sorry I'm really bad at describing things. Also I know it seems that I knocked the Avengers out quickly but it's because 1. Your an extremely skilled agent and 2. I kinda wanted to get this fight scene over with.
Apologies if it's bad. Until next update.
~ A. G

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