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"Today is the day that the Soul Enterprise will release the highly anticipated game, Pandora Unbound. The CEO of the enterprise boast that the game can be consider a new second life for players, and can also improves one mentality and strength as to whatever happens inside the game, the pod will mimic. The government also applauded the enterprise for creating such an advance game that could help shape the country..."

The news reporter heavily praised the soon to be released game, which will be delivered moment soon as the Soul enterprise CEO gives a go. Shen Lian rested her chin on her hand as she quietly watched the news. All school levels classes were cancelled in order to anticipate the game pods that would be deliver by the soul enterprise, which will be set up immediately as soon as it arrived. The Shen family had ordered six pods and had to renovate almost all of the room in the house as to give space for the massive game pod. Shen Lian would be lying if she told herself she wasn't excited, as the game developer promised that abilities, such as magic would be available inside the game, and that her, as a player won't be restricted in any type of actions. Letting out a laugh, Shen Lian imagine the possibilities, would she be able to fly inside the game? Or could she burn cities to the ground?

"...Coming live on studio is the man who develop the game himself, and the CEO of Soul Enterprise, Mr. Fu Weizhe." An audible clap could be heard before the camera pan towards the corner. A man wearing a neatly pressed cream coloured suit with a golden qilin embroided at the sleeves entered the studio. He was already above forty, but Fu Weizhe aged gracefully like a wine. He has no white hair, yet exudes an elegant aura, one couldn't help but be drawn to.

He took a seat right in front of the reporter before flashing a smile towards the camera.

"Thank you all for supporting the game. If it wasn't for all of your attention and love, the Soul Enterprise would be nothing today." Words the flow like honey, Shen Lian watched intently no longer resting her chin on her palm. She scooted over upfront to get a better view, which annoyed her sisters.

"Jiejie wear your glasses if you can't see, don't drag us with you!" Shen Ruyi scowled. Shen Lian ignored her and continued to watch the program. She just let her sister's words enter her ear and fell to the other. Upon seeing her sister ignored her, Shen Ruyi lips twitched 'this sister of her was to absorb on the program that she dares to ignore the person that help her in her studies.

"I have a set of questions here Mr. Fu and I hope you could answer them." The news reporter was then handed a piece of bond paper before meeting Fu Weizhe eyes. You could see the Mr. Fu Weizhe was smiling genuinely as the smile reached his eyes, forming some small lines that was barely noticeable.

"Of course, I would gladly do so."

"Alright." Seeing as Mr. Fu agreed the reporter begun reading the question that were prepared for this interview. " Mr. Fu I have heard that the AI of the game is called Prome can you tell us more about it?"

"Prome, comes from the word Prometheus, a greek god who was the founder of the human civilization told by the myths. Although our culture doesn't have any shortage of hero's but the Greek god caught my attention hence why I decide to name the AI, Prome. " Mr. Fu smile widen as he continues to talk. "Prome, Is a highly, and intelligent AI, and as the game grows, Prome will also grows with it, and could help the player to have a better gameplay."

"Moving on to the next question, Why is that players can't choose their characters inside the game?"

Seemingly enjoying the question, without missing a beat Mr. Fu instantly replied. "We are born into a world that we have no control whatsoever, As Pandora Unbound imitates the world we live in, the one who usually decides is the higher power, that's why in the game Prome will calculate and will choose a character that will have the same characteristic as the player."

"Last question sir, do you have any control on the AI Prome?"

The last questions somehow made Fu Weizhe stiffen but his smile never falters, he cocked his head sideways "No. As I have said earlier, Prome is a highly advance AI that will grow together with the game. As soon as the game starts, Prome will be the one to manage the Pandora's world."

The camera then focus towards Fu Weizhe "The game server will start at 22:00 PM in order for everyone to play the game together."

"Follow up question sir" The reporter looked embarrassed as she once a while ago mentioned that was supposed to be her last question, yet here she is asking for more. She knows the Fu Weizhe is a busy man, as the game he develop for years will be launching soon enough, but she can't disobeyed the higher ups order.

With a smile Fu Weizhe nodded letting the reporter to breathe calmly.

"Why is it that inside the game, one can never disclose any information regarding the real world, to the other?"

"Think about that Pandora is another world, and ours is the other, if we mixed two different information it would disrupt any of the two, and regardin---"Before Shen Lian could hear the words, Shen Leng Li screamed "The game pod is here!" Shen Lian, and Shen Ruyi attention focus onto their little sister, As Leng Li eyes was bright and if one were to look closer would see some sparkles, if it weren't for the squared glasses that frame her face, Shen Leng Li could have been a beauty. "Didn't the two of you hear me? The pods are here." Crossing her arm Shen Leng Li rolled her eyes before her lips hooked up into a smile. Her next words instantly and wholly captured her sister's attention. "The pods have been set up."

And with one swift move, the two older Shen sister turned around towards the doorway before running like a madmen onto the other side of the house. There, their parents were eating some of the newly acquired fruits from the store. Father Shen almost choked when two of his daughter barged in screaming. "Where is the pods?"

Not even giving her daughters a glance Mother Shen pointed towards their room, as the two took off running again.

Kicking their door open, both Lian and Ruyi squealed in delight. Lightly touching the pod, as if touching a treasure Shen Lian lips hooked up. The pod was simple yet elegant. The black colour contrasted the jade like qilin. The symbol of the Soul Enterprise. Glancing at the clock on the wall, her eyes widen in surprise as she quickly pressed the button of the pod to enter. "Ruyi, Leng Li, Its almost eleven'o clock. Hurry and log in." She turned her back and found that Ruyi was already in her pod, while Leng Li, was just about to.

"See ya in the game Jiejie"

"Um." Shen Lian nodded before entering her own.

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