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Clad in pure black clothing, Su Lan Yue tied her hair into a bun in order to keep it in place before glancing at the mask in front of her. She had forgotten about this item when she had completed her task.

With a low voice she quickly said "identify" before a transparent blue screen opened.

Goblin Lotus Mask
Sub-legendary  item.

50% stealth with a 200% cloaking ability. Able to shift form once every ten days. Would last for 4 hours.

Bound to player: Shen Lian. Couldn't be dropped or trade.

Cool down: ten days.

Collection (1/10)

Seeing the item properties at first shocked Su Lan Yue. To think she had gotten a sub-legendary item this early in the game, not to mention its a collectable item which can be upgraded to legendary or probably mythic. Fiery sparks of mischief could be seen in her eyes. This item is bound to her, so even if she dies as Su Lan Yue, on her next reincarnation she could still access to the skill that the goblin mask offers. Her attention then focus on the door when she heard footsteps coming towards her room. She quickly stored her treasure and opened the door before the other person could. Qing Xi Yu, looked rather surprise when Su Lan Yue appeared in front of him. He gulped down at the sight of her, the princess appeared with a tyrant aura that carried an immense power that surpasses his. He knew that Su Lan Yue had reached soultress stage not more than a month ago, unlike him who was in mid soulstress stage.

Standing in front of him was a real genius.

For him to reach mid soulstress stage the body started cultivating when he was six. Even with help of treasure and pills that was gifted to him by his imperial father it could only help him for a bit before he will reach a bottleneck and get stuck in it for months, Yet Su Lan Yue achieve it without making a sweat.

Of course, this was only in his point of view. Indeed, Su Lan Yue seemed carefree but that because the player, Shen Lian wanted to maintain an image of being a genius monster, when in truth she had to endure harsh training under her father's hand and cultivate inside a painting treasure filled with heavenly essences which is not suited for any mortals to breathe.

Su Lan Yue failed to notice that she cultivated in an astonishing pace. For she thought it was only normal since she had worked hard.

Maybe, Su Lan Yue is a genius. Maybe this is why the emperor doted on her like his treasure. He certainly knows how to differentiate a coal from a pearl.

Standing in front of her, Qing Xi Yu could feel a tinge of inferiority rushing on him, trying to gobble him whole. He cough to make himself a bit better but it didn't help.

"Going somewhere?" He ask with a concerning tone. The player inside grimace as she had to act cute in front of this crown prince. Without much of a choice, her lips curved in a smile, even her eyes were smiling, but if you look closely it held no emotion. Before Shen Lian entered the game, Su Lan Yue feelings for the crown prince was warped and mixed. She does love the crown prince, but at the same time hated him with all her heart.

Before when she was still pure from schemes, she was subjected to the bullying coming from Fa Chenqui and her jiejie. One day, when Qing Xi Yu visited the Su residence he had seen Su Lan Yue falling into the pond, courtesy from concubine Fa.

As she slowly descended to the pond, Her eyes wander in search for help, and when she saw her fiancee at the other end she mouthed the words 'help'--

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