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Identifying player:

Shen Lian

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Shen Lian felt drowsy as a voice was speaking in her head. When she opened her eyes the surrounding was quite blurry and it took a while before her eyes adjusted. Observing where she was she assumed she was in the Home Menu. Her eyes scanned her surrounding as everything was pure white with only the chair in the middle was made of jade. Scurrying towards the chair, Shen Lian took a seat, and as soon as she does a wide screen appeared in front of her, along with an animal like creature.

"Greetings Host! My name is Biyu. A moon rabbit. I was assigned to you by Prome to be your guide in this world." Shen Lian couldn't help but to pet the moon rabbit. Before Biyu could finish its introduction Shen Lian picked it up and put it her lap. She made herself comfortable in the jade chair all the while still petting Biyu.

"Host please listen to me!" Biyu tried to swat her master's hands but all attempts were futile. As Shen Lian grew up in a household with three siblings, it was already integrated in her bones to annoy anyone who she deems as cute. Shen Lian finger caressed the rabbit gently, all the while smirking. This goes on for another 30 mins before Shen Lian remembered she was supposed to be playing the game. Without much of a choice, she let Biyu freed who scrambled away from her.

Biyu was flabbergasted as her master was unreasonable and was a bully. She couldn't help but to cursed at Prome for assigning her to such master. Meanwhile Shen Lian watched with amusement as the little rabbit expression shifted to different emotions in just a span of few seconds. She coughed her throat in order to have the little rabbit attention.

"Could you tell me about the game?" Biyu could only comply, as this was her job anyways.

"Let's start over again, host. My name is Biyu, a moon rabbit that was assigned to you by master Prome. I am also here to monitor you in case you break the only rule which is do not disclose any information that is not of this world. Breaking the rules would lead you to be banned in the game for 6 months and must pay a fee of 5 million yuan if you are to break the rule, understand?"

Shen Lian nodded. Her thoughts quickly travelled, her family might be capable, but not capable enough to throw away 5 million yuan.

"Alright let's make this quick then host." Biyu thumped her feet and to jade dice appear next to Shen Lian. "This dice will help you get started and to help you allocate your points on your character info. Just roll whenever you are ready host. "

Shen Lian grabbed the dice, shaking it before letting go. The pair of dice rolled before stopping.

"You actually got 10 on your first try, congratulations host, now please allocate your points."

A screen the appeared, and at the top corner wrote Character info: Shen Lian.

Player info: Shen Lian

Character: Su Lan Yue

Strength: 20




Shen Lian grimaced as she watched the screen as Biyu continued explaining.

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