|Tanjirou x Kanao| Burgundy Hair

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The door of our room slides open harshly, as I turned my head to the visitor. Tanjirou stood there breathing heavily, his eyes widened in worry. "Kanao, are you okay?!" He shrieks. I just stare at him for a second before smiling at him sweetly.

We have been together for a few years now, we practically saw each other's growth. His hair is now longer than the first time I met him. He tied his hair back in a ponytail, and is wearing a newly made checkered haori since his past haori was a bit small for him now.

He ran to my side, kneeling on the floor. "I heard you fainted after you finished your mission. Shinobu told me you fainted in exhaustion" he rambled, his eyebrows furrowed. "I'm alright, Tanjirou. You don't have to worry about me" I reassured, still smiling.

"Of course, I worry about you. You're my fiancé and I care about you" he held my hands and stared into my eyes. I chuckled softly and kissed his cheek.

I heard someone knock at the door. "Come in" Tanjirou said, turning to the door. Miss Shinobu opened the door and saw us, then putting a smile on her face. "As much as I like to see you both acting all lovey dovey, Kanao still needs her rest".

Tanjirou nodded and turned to me "please don't exhaust yourself too much" he said in a worried tone and placed a quick peck on my forehead, before leaving the room.

Miss Shinobu sat down beside me and helps me sit up from the mat. "I guess big sister was right" she starts. I looked at her, confused "what do you mean?" I asked. "Remember when she gave you the coins you used to flip? She said if you met someone you love, you would change. Now look at you now, showing affection to your soon to be husband" she chuckled softly.

"I guess..." I looked down, just remembering her words from before. "You still haven't told him yet?" She asked. "No, not while he's still grieving after Mr. Urokodaki's death.." I don't know when to tell him exactly, I don't even know how to tell him.

"I guess you're right, but after this incident, I can't let you go into more missions for a while" I looked at her, having second thoughts. I guess it's only rational to just stay put for a while. I sighed and nodded "alright".

She smiled before standing up and walked to the door. "You might have to tell him a little earlier though. He might get suspicious. Now have your rest, Kanao" she closed the door as I lay back on the mat, staring on the ceiling until I fell asleep.

One week later

I watered the flowers in the garden of our mansion, as butterflies fly around me. These days, I feel a bit slower and heavier than usual. I heard footsteps from the hard wood floor, turning my body to the noise. I almost dropped the thing I was holding, before carefully placing it on the ground, I walked quickly to the person and hugged him tight.

"Kanao! I miss you!" Tanjirou shouts as he spins me around, hugging me. After our talk, he was assigned for another mission that was a bit far away. Even though we're usually away from each other for separate missions, we always greet each other like we've been apart for years.

He placed a soft kiss on my lips before placing his forehead on mine. "I missed you too, Tanjirou" I responded. We pulled apart from each other as I study him. He seems to have a few injuries on him and bruises. I furrowed my eyebrows and pulled him inside.

I opened the door of our room and dragged him inside, grabbing the medicinal kit from the cabinet. I pushed his shoulders for him to sit down and treat his wounds. I dabbed the small wounds with a cotton and a disinfectant.

I felt his stare on me as I treated his wounds on his hand. I turned to look at him, staring into his eyes. "hm?" He softly move a strand of hair from my face smiling. "What?" I chuckled. "Nothing" he smiled at me, shaking his head.

"Okay.." I continued on treat his wounds, wrapping his wounded palms with bandage. There was a comfortable silence wrapping the room around us, until I broke the silence. "Tanjirou, I can't accept missions for quite a while from now" I started, I can do this.

His eyes widened, holdings my hands "why? Are you ill? Should I call Miss Shinobu?" He asked, worry clear on his face. I shook my head "no I'm not ill and you don't have to call Miss Shinobu" I smiled at him.

"What is it then? Why aren't you doing missions?"

"Tanjirou, I'm....." I sighed nervously. Why am I even nervous? I don't know. He moved closer to me, waiting for what I'm about to say. "Kanao?"

"Okay, I'm... pregnant. For 3 weeks now" I blurted out, instantly looking at his face for the reaction. His face morphed from shocked to happiness in a second. He stood up, his eyes sparkling as he pulled me to him. He hugged me with a big smile on his face."I'm going to be a father?!" He exclaimed. I laughed at him and nodded.

"I'm going to be a father!" He shouted once more, jumping up, whle I just laughed at him at the side. He calmed down a minute later, walking towards me. He stopped in front of me with a smile. He cups my face with his hands "thank you so much" he whispered and leaned in for a kiss.

I kissed back with the same passionate feeling and love. We pulled away, breathing heavily. He kneel down in front of my stomach and kissed it. I felt the warmth and love that he had given throughout my body as I teared up a little.

"I love you Kanao" he stood up and hugged me once again. "I promise to cherish and protect both of you". Everyday, I feel like I fell in love with him again for the first time. I never felt this much love before Miss Kanae and Miss Shinobu, and now I have this amazing man right in front of me that gave me all the love I never knew I needed.

After that day, Tanjirou tries to end his missions as fast as possible to visit me, which is really sweet. Aoi and the girls often visits me and look out for me when Tanjirou's away. I really appreciate all their help and support.
"Remember final selection?" I turned to him and asked. He nodded and looked at me curiously "yeah....?".

"The first time I saw you, I was really fascinated by your burgundy hair" I confessed. He smiled at me and looked down to the bundle in my arms. I also looked down and saw our healthy baby boy giggle as he tried to reach out his hands on my face.

His burgundy hair started to thicken as he grows with his reddish-purple eyes and to top it all of with a particular red birthmark on his forehead. He really looks like his father, doesn't he?

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