Chapter One-Change

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"I said no. Does that mean anything to you people?" I hiss, hugging my knees to my chest a little tighter. Professor Beard turns to Gabby and Diane, shooing them out of the room so he can talk to me alone. I heave a heavy sigh as the two women leave after shooting irritated glances my way. They may take care of me, but they've never liked me. The door closes and he drags over a stool with a wrinkled white hand, then sits in front of me. The room is already tiny, about the size of a rich person's jacuzzi, but with the man in it, my space is even smaller. He leans back a bit though and doesn't come off as a complete creep, so maybe he's okay. I take my time looking him up and down.

In a house filled with kids that are multiple shades of brown, me included, the white man in blue silk sticks out like a sore thumb. Crystal blue eyes, long blue robes with a long blue hat, this guy looks like Merlin from a fucking Renaissance Fair. Crescent moon glasses rest delicately on his hooked nose as he looks a bit concernedly over my bare mattress, ratty brown blanket, and dirty clothes.

"Miss Ackley-"

"Arell." I correct him sharply and see the corner of his mouth twitch. Still, my wand is clenched tight in my fist between the wall and my bed.

"Arell, I'm the headmaster of Hogwarts and came specifically to talk with you. My name is Albus Dumbledore. I'm not here to harm you and I'd feel a bit better if you'd release your hold on your wand." His head tilts towards my hidden fist and I bring it out; thirteen inches, a phoenix feather core, Ashwood. The wand is black with a sturdy handle separated by two perforations and little silver vines creep up and out of the handle all the way to the tip. I lighten my grip but keep it in my hands. He nods once, accepting this.

"I've read your transcripts from other schools, Arell. You have an incredible gift for magic as well as mischief. At Hogwarts, your gift will be nurtured and you'll be around others like you." He explains in his gentle, old voice. I relax a bit more and face him, sitting cross-legged.

"Like at Durmstrang? And Beauxbatons?" I question irately. I'd been kicked out of both schools in that order and I'm tired of going to new places where everything is the same. "I never even did anything wrong and no one ever listened to me! I'm too dangerous to have around. Things follow me. Bad things."

"Hogwarts is not like either of those schools," Albus assures me calmly and firmly. "Each has its positives and negatives, of course, but Hogwarts is focused on group learning and pushing students to fulfill their potential. I believe you'd flourish there." Professor Beard doesn't give up and his tone gets my attention. Still, I'm unsure. "Plus, this meeting means you're already in contact with the head of the school. If you have any problems, you can come to me directly. I'll make sure every teacher knows this as well." He continues and now that really has my attention.

"You and I both know there isn't going to be anyone else like me there. Two schools in four years? How do you know your school is better?" A small sigh escapes Dumbledore's upturned lips as I twiddle with the ends of my kinky curls. My hair is a shade darker than my fresh upturned earth skin and my eyes nearly glow gold, but are really just a soft amber.

"There is no one like anyone anywhere." He says pointedly and stands, moving his chair back where it was. "Consider the offer, Arell." Are his last words before he walks out, leaving a little letter with a heavy wax seal on his chair. I purse my lips and bite the inside of my cheek as I think, then turn to the window. Quickly, I unlatch the lock and swing the old glass window open just in time to see the Professor walking out the door.

"Albus!" I shout to him and watch him whirl around to face me, standing out like a robin's egg among ash. "Fine! I'll go!" A bright smile lights up his wrinkled face as he nods.

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