Chapter Thirteen-Firenze. Friend?

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"What are ya two doin' over ere?" He asks and I gulp.

"Hi Hagrid, this is my friend Arell. She had some questions about centaurs and the professor is busy. Could we ask you?" Lily smiles at the mountain of the man and I watch his hidden eyes light up.

"Oh hi there, Lily. Centaurs? Sure! Come in! Jus' put a kettle on." He welcomes us and I follow him in, Lily following behind me. We walk in and I'm instantly struck with the comfort of the place. Reds, greens, and golds decorate the place and every corner has something in it. There's even a dog slobbering on the floor next to the fire. "Sit, please! Been a 'while since I had visitors." He gestures to an armchair and Lily and I both fit in it comfortably.

"Your house is cozy as ever, Hagrid." Lily comments and shrugs when I look at her. Hagrid smiles as he brings over huge cups.

"Thank ya. Sorry, it's not tidy. Honestly, I don' get visitors much at all." He chuckles and sits in the chair across from us. Sympathy strikes me for the sweet man.

"Well, that's only because we've never been introduced! I didn't even know this house was down here." I say genuinely, delighting in the smile that makes the skin next to his eyes crinkle.

"That's kind a'ya." He mumbles and takes the pot of water out of the fire just before it screams. Carefully, he pours the water until each cup is full. I reach out, but he holds up a hand. "I'd wait. It'll still be hot." He warns and I nod. "Alright. What d'ya want to know bout centaurs?" He asks and settles down heavily on the chair across from us.

"Uh, well. Could I tell you a secret, Hagrid?" I ask and glance at Lily, hoping this is the right way of going about this.

"Sure, ya can." He encourages but seems a tad apprehensive.

"Well, I actually met a centaur the other day. I fell off my broom into the Forbidden Forest." Hagrid's small eyes seem to bug out of his head at my news.

"Ya met a centaur in the forest? Blimey. Ye've got ter be more careful, Arell!" He scolds but seems more excited than concerned. "Did' ya get a name?" Hagrid asks and I nod.

"His name is Firenze." I relay and Hagrid nods with a relieved sigh.

"Yer lucky. Firenze is a kind soul." Hagrid tells me, but I'm itching to know more.

"You know him?" I question while finally picking up my tea and stirring the bag around it. Lily does the same and hands me the sugar as well.

"Firenze and I have crossed paths a couple a times in the forest. Good fella." Hagrid tells me and I take a sip of the tea. It tastes rich and sweet, like licorice. When I reach for one of the cakes on the table Lily shakes her head slightly and I scratch my leg instead.

"Well, when we met, he started telling me about the stars. That they were speaking to him through shapes or something like that." I don't worry that Hagrid understands since he's nodding while I talk.

"Ah, yes. Centaurs are a peculiar folk. Most read the stars, astrology and the like, to tell them what's goin on. A superstitious bunch, the lot." Hagrid shares.

"Are they accurate?" Lily pipes up and Hagrid's gaze switches to her.

"Eh, per'aps. It's hard to tell cause they're so cryptic, see?" Hagrid explains and I nod, understanding. Firenze was rather mystic when he spoke with me. "But, if a centaur is takin' the time to speak with ya, listen. That's my advice." He tells me humbly. Hagrid stands and the floor creaks a bit under his weight. "You two better be gettin' back. Wouldn't want to miss dinner now would ya?" We pop up and set our empty teacups down.

"Thanks, Hagrid. Uh, you'll send me a letter when you're free for tea again, okay? Promise?" I stand at the doorway and look up at him with pleading eyes, genuinely liking him and his homey hut. His little eyes shine as he nods.

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