Chapter Eleven-Expecto Patronum

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I slide into the spot next to Lily and she instantly scolds me with her eyes.

"Where have you been? I woke up and you were gone!" She hisses and my head shakes.

"Later," I tell her and she sighs, then faces the front with her lips set in a straight line. She'll be mad at me until I tell her. "I slipped out for a little flying that night and got hurt. Stayed in the infirmary for the night, but I'm fine." Her eyes look back to me and her face loses a bit of its sternness.

"You're okay?" She asks softly and I smile.

"In perfect health. Just a bit sore and tired. Sorry for scaring you." I apologize and now all anger is gone.

"I'm glad you're okay." She says and smiles back at me before refocusing on the teacher.

"Today, we'll be attempting something far beyond many a great wizard's capability, so I don't want anyone to feel badly if they don't succeed. This is just a mental exercise to expand your mindset and magical muscles!" The professor announces and I nearly flinch at the sudden volume. "So, everyone stand up! Stand up!" We obey and she waves her wand so the desks are all pushed to the walls along with our books and bags. "Find a partner!"

"Do you mind if I'm with Severus? He'll need my support-" I nod and wave her away. She squeezes my hand gratefully and rushes over to him. James and Sirius partner up, Peter is with some other poor sod, so I just stand there a bit adrift.

"Mind being my partner?" A familiar voice says and I'm smiling before I turn around. My eyes widen a bit at his black and green robes, but I hurry to nod despite my surprise.

"I appreciate you saving me from being partners with the teacher," I respond and he smiles. Green suits him well, it brings out his eyes and pretty freckles.

"High praise." Garrett returns and I grin.

"Alright, talk each other through the process! Do your best and remember, this is extremely advanced magic." The professor reminds us and I move a bit closer to Garrett.

"Want to try first?" I ask, a bit bashful about my own. We've got a double period of this, so there's almost no chance I'll be able to escape casting. Unfortunately. He shrugs and takes a breath. "So, think of your happiest memory and try to put yourself back in that moment. Let that same joy fill you again, then cast the spell." I do my best to explain.

"I think that moment has yet to happen. You haven't said yes to a date yet." He teases and I shake my head with a big smile.

"Focus, Garrett."

"Oh, that was a good moment hearing you say my name. Maybe if you whispered it in my ear I could cast a corporeal one." He continues and I roll my eyes after laughing softly.

"At this rate, you won't cast even a wisp." He sighs with twinkling eyes and nods, looking in front of him. "Let that feeling fill you up and try to hold it in your gut so it can feed off it. Like coal to a flame." He casts the spell and gets a good white shield in front of him. "Focus. Keep focusing." I whisper and his brows furrow even as his smile gets bigger. Suddenly the light fades as he breaks his concentration.

"Ah, damn." He swears with determination shining out of his green eyes. "Its hard to focus when you're murmuring in my ear, Arell," Garrett tells me with a charming smile.

"Well done, Mr. Fenway! Ten points to Slytherin!" I grimace slightly at the look the other Gryffindors give me for helping but brighten back up at the look on Garrett's face.

"Thanks, Arell, I'm usually the one getting points taken away." He jokes and I hum with soft laughter. "Are you ready to try?" My lips press together as I glance to my wand in my hands. "Hey, its okay if you don't want to. Even though based on your teaching you'd be incredible." Garrett assures me sweetly.

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