Chapter Fourteen-Friends and Prejudice

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We sneak back to the common room with no problems and collapse on the couch for a few minutes. Lily and I are in the middle with Sirius beside me and James beside her. Sirius's arm is snugly around me and I'm happy resting my head on his shoulder while James seems to be trying very hard to touch Lily without seeming that he's touching her. Lily, on the other hand, is shoving her nose in her notes that she took tonight.

"I wrote everything he said down, but can barely understand it. We'll have to go over things in the morning. Maybe make a few lists for each thing he said with various possibilities." She goes on, shutting her eyes midway through to stave off the tiredness.

"Hey, Evans, not that you know this, but after a successful night of breaking rules and not getting caught, the tradition is to relax after. Not wind yourself up." He tells her and Sirius and I hum amusedly when Lily looks between us. She sighs and nods, shutting the little book to wiggle back on the couch. Her feet hop up and her cheeks darken just a bit when this puts her and James closer together. I look over at Sirius just as he looks down at me and winks.

"Thanks for coming out with me tonight," I tell the group and all eyes turn to me. "I know it was a risk and close at times, but I really appreciate it."

"Don't worry about it, Mane. That's what family does." James shrugs with a tired but pleased grin. The word family resonates in my head and I glance up to Sirius and find a little smile on his face.

"Feels good, doesn't it?" He whispers just for me to hear and I nod against his shoulder. Only he understands what it feels like to gain family like this. To choose family.

"Yeah. It does." I murmur and just can't stop my eyes from shutting.

* * * * *


I wince at the sudden influx of light and blink, my eyes fluttering open to the blurry image of Remus with a camera. "What?" I ask anyone in the relative vicinity and see Peter giggling next to Remus, then feel an arm tighten around me. Looking up reveals Sirius holding me tight to his chest with my head tucked under his chin. My entire body flushes with fire and I'm quick to disentangle myself and stand.

"Hey-" He complains before looking around himself. On the other side of the couch sit Lily and James waking as well. Lily had fallen a bit and now rests across James's lap with her head facing the fire half on his thigh and the other half on the pillow. His wrist is just under her neck and his other hand rests on her stomach. They both face each other at the same time and their eyes get really big.

"Remus, what's the big idea taking a picture?" Sirius asks as he stands too and rubs his eyes. Moony is shaking out the picture with a shit-eating grin on his face.

"It's important to treasure your memories, Padfoot." He responds, but can't quite move fast enough for Lily. She grabs the photo and stomps over to the stairs. She hesitates before looking back to the boys as I sidle next to her.

"Mention this to anyone and I'll hex you every day for a month." She swears and they all quickly nod. Sheepishly, I follow her up the stairs and into the dorm. We both slide into bed and close our curtains to the rest of the room, leaving the curtain open towards one another. The picture is held gingerly in her hands, smoothing out a corner accidentally bent.

"Would you make me a copy?" I ask her quietly and her eyes snap up to mine. They soften as she nods.

"Would you help me animate it?" She asks back and I smile.


We sleep half the day away before finishing our homework quietly in the dorm, then emerging for lunch.

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