Chapter Twenty-One~Cookies

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The months pass crazily fast and soon, Lily and I are packing up our things to go for winter break. I'm nervous. James said his parents were cool with me coming, but he's also the kind of person who just shows up and decides its fine. We had our third Quidditch game yesterday, beating Hufflepuff out of contention for the cup, but somehow my aching limbs still have room for nervous energy. Still haven't played Slytherin though. That'll come after the break.

"It'll be fun." Lily insists as we roll our suitcases down the hall. "I'll write to you while you're there and you'll write to me and it'll be fun." She says it like an affirmation, but it makes me feel better anyway.

"And I'll have your ring on all the time. And we can both actually use a phone." I joke and she chuckles.

"Right." She agrees and we both take a deep breath, then take each other's hands. There's the train ride where I stay with the boys and she stays with Severus, but blimey my nerves are eating me alive. James is taking up one side of the car with his legs splayed out and his scarf over his face while he snores softly. Sirius reaches over and takes one of my hands to save the napkin I'd been ripping apart. I glance at him and find a knowing smile on his face.

"The Potters are the kindest people I've ever met. Other than Lily." His smile grows a bit at the mention of the sweet girl. "They'll love you." I take a deep breath.

"I've never been to a friend's house," I admit and his brows furrow a bit. He's wearing a band t-shirt, dark jeans, dark sneakers, and a worn leather jacket. Him looking so good also isn't helping with my nerves. "All my scars would have caught too much attention and my parents couldn't risk having their caretaker snatched away. This is all new to me." He nods slowly and holds his arm out.

"Come here." He beckons and I slide over, sighing with comfort at having him close. "That just means we've got to make up for lost time, but the real question is; do you trust me?" I nod. "And do you trust Prongs?"

"Not with my homework, but..." I tease and he chuckles slightly. "Yes, I trust both of you."

"Alright then, trust that we'll stay close. And if you need anything just ask us. Sound good?" He asks and I take another breath as my eyes shut.

"Yeah, that sounds good."

The next thing I know, Sirius is shaking me softly. "We're at the platform." He tells me and I bolt upright. I hurry to fix my hair and wipe the sleep from my eyes.

"Mane, if my parents cared about how you looked, they'd have kicked Sirius out long ago." James teases and wraps his arm around my shoulders.

"Is that because I'm too attractive?"

"Aye mate, mouthwatering."

Their banter helps put me at ease as we exit the train, but I'm grateful James keeps that arm around me. Their touch helps. We walk out of the path of steam so we can see the line of adults and I spy Lily running up to her parents to give them a hug. The sight squeezes my heart. "Oi, Prongs, just there." Sirius points to an older couple scouring the crowd. We head that way and I swear I might be sweating despite the cold air.

"Mum! Dad!" James waves and their eyes land on us, instantly bringing a smile to their faces.

"Mum! Dad!" Sirius mocks in a higher-pitched voice, but he has the widest grin I've ever seen on his face.

"Ah, the great return of our sons for winter break. BATTEN DOWN THE HATCHES, LONDON!" His father yells and gains over a dozen looks from the people around us. James' mother slaps his chest while trying to hold in a laugh.

"Dad," James emphasizes before giving him a quick hug where his dad musses his hair.

"Be thankful I talked him out of a megaphone. He found one from a street vendor." His mother says before hugging James and Sirius as well. My hands are clasped so tight in front of me my knuckles are white. "And I see you still haven't cut your hair, Sirius, why would you hide such a handsome face?" He gets an extra kiss to his cheek before both boys retreat back to my side.

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