Chapter Five-First Day of Class

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I get back and shrink James back to his proper size before slipping into bed. Even with my late night, I'm up the earliest to pop in the showers. I'd rather no one else see my scars. I slip into the uniform and admit it's pretty cute. Grey, pleated skirt down to the knee, high socks with black shoes, white button-up with the choice of wearing it plain, with a vest, cardigan, or sweater over top, then the signature gold and yellow tie. I go with just the button-up.

"Blimey, Arell, you're already done?" Lily whispers as I toss my robe over my arm and sling my bag around my shoulders. I meet her crazy bedhead then her green eyes with a smile.

"Yeah, well you know. Scars." I shrug as she stares at me, thoughts swirling inside her head.

"You don't have to be ashamed of those, Arell." She says and suddenly there's a fierceness in her eyes. A sharp determination and loyalty. I reach out and rest my hand on her shoulder.

"Thank you. I know. It's just...easier." She softens at my words and smiles. "I'll save a spot for you at the table," I tell her before ducking out. It's easy to retrace my steps back to the great hall and as soon as I sit down food appears in front of me. After last night it's almost spooky how empty it is. Me and a few teachers plus a ghost or two and maybe another student over in the corner. He kind of looks like he's sleeping though. I get out my books and get to work while eating, at least until there's a soft clearing of someone's throat next to me. I look up and find Remus' warm eyes looking at me.

"May I join you?" He asks softly and I nod, gesturing to the space next to me. "That was really impressive last night. That spell you made." He tells me and smiles when I pass him an empty plate.

"Thank you. Not all of them turn out that way, I assure you. I've set multiple things on fire, melted things, even made one thing vanish and I still have no idea where it is." I promise and he laughs sweetly. I think he may have a few less scars than me, at least if he has as many scars on the rest of his body as he does where I can see.

"Still, it's impressive. Would you..." He hesitates a moment and nudges a piece of egg on his plate. "Would you walk me through the process? If you don't mind, of course." I smile and nod.

"Sure. I was going to try one this morning when Lily came in, but it might be a bit more fun this way." His eyebrows raise and a little mischief creeps into his warm eyes.

"You've certainly got my attention."

Remus and I talk until Lily comes in and we let her in on the plan. Then, all that's left to do is put my things away and act innocent. The rambunctious boys leak into the great hall like water from a faucet, all no direction but high energy. Three cups have already been set out for them and the minute they see the three of us they're speeding over to us.

"I like seeing you in the morning again, Evans," James comments as he smoothly slides into the seat across from us. She rolls her eyes and drinks her own pumpkin juice.

"What are you talking about, Prongs? You've got that pictu-"

"Picturesque view to look at out my window, of course, thanks for the reminder Padfoot." James stares him down as both boys pick up their cups and Peter digs into his food. I glance to Remus and he nods. We cast at the same time as the boys tip their cups to their lips and everyone on this side of the bench ducks as they both do full spit takes. We three burst out laughing and I give both Remus and Lily low-fives.

"You bloody put vodka in our pumpkin juice?" Sirius shouts before hushing himself with a half-hearted wave to the teacher's table.

"Vodka? Really? I didn't know what alcohol it would be." I tell them and whip out my notebook to make a note while still laughing a bit.

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