Chapter Four-Spells and Tricks

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After dinner, we all head to the common room and after Lily shows me around the gathering room, she takes me upstairs. "Moment of truth," Marlene whispers as we move towards the room they all stay in. Worry suddenly bites at me. I don't want to have to meet a group of new girls. Shockingly, I really like the group I already know and I'm not sure what'll happen if I don't get to stay with them. Meet more new people probably. Ugh. Alice steps forward and reads the little list that sits beside each door with the names of who stays inside, then turns towards me with a smile.

"You're with us!" She exclaims and we're all suddenly encased in a group hug.

"Bloody hell I didn't know we'd celebrate by killing me!" I grind out before the girls laugh and tug me in the room.

"So, we usually leave this one empty because a draft comes in the window-" Lily starts and I cut her off.

"Perfect, that's perfect, I get boiling hot when I sleep," I claim it instantly and grin when I find my suitcase under it already.

"Lils, what the hell is moving around in your pocket?" Marlene suddenly asks and I turn around to Lily sheepishly pulling out the dragon from her pocket.

"Oh my god, Lily. It's so cute." Alice coos and brushes her pointer finger over its spine as it stretches itself out.

"We've got to get a cage for it. Anyone have any ideas?" I ask as I crouch next to my suitcase and rifle through it for something to use.

"Just put it right in here," Emmaline says and I look up at the young woman opening the heater in the middle of the room to reveal a little compartment high above the coals. "Dragons like warm places and I'm willing to give up my favorite sock spot." She grins at all of us as Lily steps forward and lets the little guy go on the closed netting. James instantly curls up and sighs a burst of steam in contentment.

"Brilliant, Em. Thanks." Lily breathes before we all busy ourselves changing into pajamas or other comfortable clothing. As I change, Lily moves in front of me to block my scars from the room. I'm incredibly thankful.

"Alright, last night we're all free with no homework. What's the plan?" Marlene asks. Alice grabs a sweater and smiles bashfully.

"I'm meeting Frank before curfew. Sorry!" She calls as she slips out of the room and down the hall. Marlene looks to Emmaline who is already sitting on the floor beside her bed with a makeshift fire on the stone floor, brewing some potion that bubbles and smells strangely like burnt plastic.

"Sorry, I've got potions to perfect." She excuses herself and adds a few pink petals which thankfully clears the smell. Marlene sighs and looks to Lily and I. I shrug.

"I was just going to hang out in the common room with a good book." I clutch the notebook and book in my hands with a pen I nicked from the orphanage. Lily either consciously or unconsciously moves a bit closer to me.

"Same here. You're welcome to come sit-"

"Ugh, love you Lils, but that is not the kind of night I was planning on. I'm off to find someone fun." She winks at both of us and Lily shakes her head as she dances down the hall. Those green eyes turn to me.

"Want to sit together?" I offer and she smiles.


We head down together and sit at a table by the window. Most students are still milling about outside the common room, so it's pretty quiet. I set out my two books as Lily goes to her page in her book, but she hasn't looked away from my things.

"You can ask," I tell her and she smirks a little.

"Are you making new spells?" She asks and sets her book down, leaning forward a bit. My eyebrows pop up at her guessing it so quick, but I nod.

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