Chapter Seventeen-Repeat Offender

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I have only a moment to gather myself before I whip out my wand. "Expecto Patronum!" I cast and my lioness easily chases the dementor away. "James! Lead the group back to the castle while I pull up the back!" He nods and now everyone runs without instruction. Sirius and I keep to the back even though he can only cast a patronus shield for now. It's much more difficult to maintain a patronus around these creatures anyway. I should know.

The victory is now buried behind us, but I try to hold onto the joy just a little longer as more hoods surround us. James's stag is flickering when we see the castle. "Sirius, cast something! Anything!" I tell him and he raises his wand.

"Vermillious!" He casts and red bursts above us. We've slowed to a near stop with James and I tiring from maintaining full patronuses, but there are three dementors now and we can't stop. I push myself a little harder and my lioness roars, letting loose echoes of light that send the black shapes whirling away like leaves in the wind.

"Just run! Forget the spells, just go!" James and Sirius snap away their patronuses and push everyone forward. I stay in the back with my wand out and we just manage to get into the Hogwarts courtyard before they return. This time I'm too drained and can't cast the spell fast enough. It swoops in and I see it's gaping maw before despair and fear begin consuming me as it sucks away part of my soul. I fall to my hands and knees when a fist comes out of nowhere atop the creature's head.

"Fuck off." Sirius's voice drifts in my head as he drags me back and the door shuts behind us. "Love? Hey, you alright?" He crouches beside my slumped body and frames my face with his hands. Weakly, I nod. A relieved sigh shakes out of his chest. "Take a bloody day off, would you? Christ." He jokes and I barely smile as he moves forward and cradles my head to his chest. My fingers cling to his shirt as his warmth chases away the cold that was seeping into me.

"What on earth happened here?" Professor Slughorn's voice breaks through the gasping and crying. James quickly takes point above the scared team.

"Dementors attacked us as we were coming back from Hogsmeade, sir."

"Dementors?" He asks, shock clear and obvious in his voice.

"Yes, sir, three of them. Arell got us up here while she, Sirius, and I cast the patronus charm." He reports as Sirius helps me to stand.

"I...I just...this..." Slughorn stutters and I sigh, turning to the team myself.

"Go to the infirmary, everyone. Get some chocolate and sit down." I instruct firmly and the team helps each other down the hall. "We need to talk to Professor Dumbledore." My eyes go back to Slughorn who actually seems to be in shock. We turn to the door with wands out as it opens, but immediately let them fall when we see its just McGonagall.

"I saw the red sparks and the dementors on the way up. Are all the students alright?" She asks the professor, but his mouth just opens and closes like a fish.

"You'll want to ask Arell that, professor. She's the one who got us all up here." Sirius says while supporting most of my weight. McGonagall's eyes scan the three students in front of her with surprise and worry.

"Miss Ackley, then."

"We got the team back and sent them to the infirmary to get over the shock. We three should head to the Headmaster to tell him what happened-"

"He's already been appraised, Arell." Albus descends the few steps to our platform and nods to a portrait just now settling back into its frame to our left, then looks us up and down. "McGonagall and I will speak of this in my office. For now, I suggest you three go to the infirmary yourselves." My mouth opens to object, but he raises a hand. "I know all about this, Arell don't worry. We're thankful and impressed with your bravery, but your health and safety is still my priority. I will listen to all you have to say tomorrow morning. Go."

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